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  1. fungus19

    Ready To Add Some Corals

    I'm ready to start adding corals to my tank. What are some good ones to start with, and where and how do I place them in the tank. This is my first try at corals so all advice will be appeciated. There's alot of people on this site that knows their stuff I'm sure someone can help.
  2. fungus19

    Ready To Add Some Coral To My Tank

    I just decided that i'm ready to start adding corals to my tank. What should I start with and how, and where do I place them? I've never had corals before I don't know anything about them. I know someone on here will have some answers for me, this place is great.
  3. fungus19

    Is It Necessary To Put Corals In Qt?

    Is it necessay to put corals in quarentine tank? What if you do not have proper lighting for corals in your quarentine tank?
  4. fungus19

    new 180 in the works

    what shade of blue is that on the sides?
  5. fungus19

    New To Corals Show Me Some Cool Ones!!

    awesome! keep them coming. don't forget to add names, i would like to know what I'm looking at.
  6. fungus19

    Let's See Those Corals!!!!!

    new to reef tank show me some cool corals with names. I might add your favorite to my tank.
  7. fungus19

    New To Corals Show Me Some Cool Ones!!

    Brad new to reef aquariums, don't really know what corals are what. Show me some cool ones, with names, maybe I'll add some of your favorites to my tank.
  8. fungus19

    What should I put in my refugium

    if anyone want to sell some chaeto please let me know
  9. fungus19

    What should I put in my refugium

    where do I get cheato algea?
  10. fungus19

    Sump & refugium

    I can give you an email of someone that will make you one custon with whatever you want. email me at
  11. fungus19

    What should I put in my refugium

    getting ready to set tank up what should I put in the refugium besides a deep sand base?
  12. fungus19

    new 55 gallon reef any suggestios?

    what would be a good mix ratio
  13. fungus19

    new 55 gallon reef any suggestios?

    what ration of mix would be good?
  14. fungus19

    How much sand is too much sand ?

    when using a live sand and not live sand mix should the live sand be on the bottom or top or should it be mixed up? what are some good sand stirrers?
  15. fungus19

    new 55 gallon reef any suggestios?

    should I use all live sand or can i mix live sand and not live sand together.
  16. fungus19

    looking for RO system

    looking for a RO system
  17. fungus19

    new 55 gallon reef any suggestios?

    Just looking for some suggestions on things i should be aware of. It will be a 55 gallon reef with a sump, refugium, compact flourescent & metal halide lights, & sand substrate. What kind of test kits are required? What kind of supplements should be added and how often? Should live sand be...
  18. fungus19

    new 55 gallon reef any suggestios?

    just setting up what should i look for?