Search results

  1. cjburden

    No Cycling!!

    another thing you could do kim, is go to lovely pets and ask steve for a dirty filter pad. He keeps a bunch laying around. Just toss that into the mechanical filter you're using and it'll help with the cycle. Thats what I used on mine and its working pretty well. May be a moot point being...
  2. cjburden

    LFS in Massachusetts/NH

    I've been going to lovely pets also. Steve (the new owner) is very very helpful, although somewhat set in his ways I think. He doesn't like the idea of cycling a tank with live rock (which everyone seems to think is a great idea) and he's a little hesitant on certain other ideas too. He is...
  3. cjburden

    Got my rock tonight- amazing deal!!

    ooh I could definately use a deal on LR. =o I'm in quincy mass... lovely pets sells it for 6.99-7.99/lb that isn't terribly unreasonable for a LFS but at the same time I'm not made of money either :P Let me know if that guy has any more. I'd definately take a drive to pick some of that up.
  4. cjburden

    Happy New Year

    happy new years from Quincy mass!!!!
  5. cjburden

    Help with cycling my tank.

    will adding cured LR to a tank that has already begun cycling cause die-off on the rock?
  6. cjburden

    Help with cycling my tank.

    unfortunately I hadn't really found out about that method until it was too late. my question though was could I toss a couple shrimp in now to help in the cycling? I mean, 1 small damsel is NOT going to be a very big bioload, and obviously I can't toss any other fish in there.
  7. cjburden

    Help with cycling my tank.

    I started cycling my new 55g about 2 weeks ago I got a few damsels from an lfs and started it that way. Problem is all except one of them died. The one that is left seems to be doing quite well, however my ammonia level is not rising past the .5 mark that it has been at for roughly a week now...
  8. cjburden

    Choosing the right filtration unit

    Originally posted by fshhub Well Chris, welcome to the board and to answer your question, forget the bio wheel and get a decent skimmer, the prizm should be fine for a 55 and can be found for under $100(i fyou shop around) in either case, you would still need powerheads too, so you shoudl get a...
  9. cjburden

    Choosing the right filtration unit

    Any good links that you know of with plans or ideas for a diy sump unit?
  10. cjburden

    Choosing the right filtration unit

    First off I'm very new to saltwater fish and know only the very little I've learned about over the past week or two of my reading/research. What I've decided is that I'm going to go with a 55 gallon fowlr setup. I don't have a 'reef ready' tank with pre-drilled plumbing. I'd like to say that...