Search results

  1. arn

    test results on my h2O

    hi, i have a tank that has been running for about a month now....insid emy tank are just live rocks and 2 snails...... I did some tests on my water yesterday and it came out as follows: NO3 = 2.5 (low range) PH = 8.4...
  2. arn


    Hi, are crabs safe if you have chorals in your tank? won't they harm the chorals?
  3. arn

    live rocks turning brown

    ok. thank you very much. I feel so much better now...hehehe
  4. arn

    live rocks turning brown

    my tank is about 1 month old and i bought the live rocks with all the purple algaes....anyways, thanks for your light is one actinic blue and one 50/50..i dont know how many watts.
  5. arn

    live rocks turning brown

    hi..i need help live rocks are turning brown..what do i do?...thanks
  6. arn

    live rocks turning brown

    hi everyone...i guess nobody saw my earlier live rocks are turning brown...what do i do?...please help me
  7. arn


    Hi, i have a 60g tank and I live in riverside, i need a chiller for my tank?
  8. arn

    hairy brown algaes

    Hi, i need help here......i have noticed some hairy brown algaes growing on my live rocks. is this good or bad? if bad, can you tell me how to get rid of them?...also, i checked out the reef packages section in this site.....are those safe to put in a reef tank> I mean, wont they harm the...
  9. arn

    hairy brown algaes

    Hi, i have noticed some brown hairy algaes growing on my rocks. It use to be purple only. Is this good or bad? if it's bad, how do i get rid of it?....Also, I've been reading some of the questins from other members and I dont know exactly what you guys mean when you say cleaners. Can someone...