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  1. npaladen

    feeding tips for snowflake eel?

    My snowflake only eats every couple of days, with mine you can tell when he is hungry because he will start to emerge from his rock and look around a little. The rest of the time he just sticks his head out about a half inch. I feed him krill, frozen shrimp, and squid. He really likes the...
  2. npaladen

    Help! Fish not eating!

    I have a gold-striped maroon and he loves brine shrimp, you might try that. He is also quite fond of running off with what I try to feed my eel, krill and shrimp, you could try that also. HTH
  3. npaladen

    Happy Snowflake Eel

    I have a 20" sfe and mine does not bother anyhting I have except cleaner shrimp. I have had to give up trying to get them, as long as the eel is well fed he is fine with them, but once some night comes along that he is feeling in the mood for a midnight snack, poof, no shrimp. He gets along...
  4. npaladen

    something odd in my tank

    here goes, I have a 50 gal with about 70 lbs lr, and a 3 in ls bed. I was just doing a little cleaning of my tank, and partly looking for a mantis shrimp and came across something I have never seen before. Under one of my peices of lr was a pink thing, I have no idea what it was. It was wound...
  5. npaladen

    What Filter Do You Use?

    lr/ls, protein skimmer
  6. npaladen

    does anyone keep cleaner wrasses?

    I had one for a little while and all of my fish hated it. They chased it around everywhere and I had to take it back because it was afraid to come out of a rock. Since then I have gotten another one and it is great, it constantly cleans all of my fish and eats anyhting else I throw in there...
  7. npaladen


    I have has a snowflake moray and a maroon clown in the same tank for over a year. Every now and then the clown slaps the eel in the face with his tail to keep him in line, but other than that they get along just fine. My eel is more than large enough to eat the clown if it ever felt like it.