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  1. frank323

    Don't know what this is? Is it good or bad

    Thought i would try to enclose a better picture. I think I need a better digital camera I also notice there is another one growing on a different part of the polyp.
  2. frank323

    Don't know what this is? Is it good or bad

    This thing has been rapidly growing from my yellow polyps. I tried to take a picture of it but still learning how to shoot through glass. Anyways I think it might be a hydropod of some type. this thing grew to about 2 inches in less than 2 weeks. Should I try to remove it. Pretty new to hobby...
  3. frank323

    New to hobby - help

    My tanks been running a month and a half with live rock only. Should I be testing water at this time. Also is there a good kit someone could recommend for this. When I set up my tank I just put the rocks in the middle. should they be more toward and up against the back wall of the tank Thanks