Don't know what this is? Is it good or bad


New Member
This thing has been rapidly growing from my yellow polyps. I tried to take a picture of it but still learning how to shoot through glass.
Anyways I think it might be a hydropod of some type.
this thing grew to about 2 inches in less than 2 weeks.
Should I try to remove it. Pretty new to hobby so any help would be greatly appreciated.


Active Member
that growth rate would sure scare me!
see what bang guy has to say...he's a bug guru of sorts :)


New Member
Thought i would try to enclose a better picture.
I think I need a better digital camera
I also notice there is another one growing on a different part of the polyp.

bang guy

It looks like some sort of Sponge to me. Can you describe it in detail? or... e-mail an uncompressed picure to me to look at.