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  1. psychdoc

    Direct from the Ocean - into the tank?

    Just a technical question for which I need some feedback.... Yesterday, my daughter and I found a few sea snails and many tightly closed shells (clams, I presume), that had washed ashore during low-tide in the morning. She wanted to bring each home for the Salt Tank. I couldn't think of any...
  2. psychdoc

    Vertical swim? What's wrong...

    Thanks for the recommendation (and hope) for my damsel, Toughguy. I have never maintained a quarantine tank, but I do not discount the importance of them...unfortunatley, I think I've been spoiled by having had really good luck with the longevity and relative health of my fish and it...
  3. psychdoc


    Jfick- I had a choc chip star for nearly 3 years that recently died when my nitrates spiked out of control.... Over the course of his 3 years in my community tank, there were periods of time when he would be motionless in the same spot for HOURS on end, and that was during his healthy days. It...
  4. psychdoc

    Vertical swim? What's wrong...

    Thanks for your comments Ivan. I'm removing the CC substrate until it reaches 1" (down from 4"), but doubt I'll get rid of it entirely unless the nitrates stop coming down. But your is a consistent opinion to the many I've talked with. It may be my last option. As for other picking on the...
  5. psychdoc

    Vertical swim? What's wrong...

    I posted my first message 6 weeks ago reporting high nitrates (well over 200) and the loss of several fish after 8 years of stability in my 75 g community tank along with a severe outbreak of HLLE on one of my fish (Lemon Peel). Here is a brief update and then the bizarre behavior....with all...