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  1. mr.sykes

    Hang On Skimmer??

    Thanks everyone for your input. I think Im going to get the Remora with the Mj1200 pump. I like the fact that is slim and doesnt look that noticable. also the fact that there isn't a bunch of adjustments.
  2. mr.sykes

    Hang On Skimmer??

    well after looking at the amiracle mini quad skimmer,I have one more question. I saw that on the aqua c it has a spray bar and the mini quad has venturi what is the advantages over one another? I like the price of the mini but can't get over the great reviews of the aqua c. thanks again.
  3. mr.sykes

    Hang On Skimmer??

    have one last question... Is the aqua c a pain with adjustments or with water levels? Thanks for ur help
  4. mr.sykes

    Hang On Skimmer??

    Do you know where can I pick one up for cheap?
  5. mr.sykes

    Hang On Skimmer??

    I have been looking at the Bak-Pak2 and the remora c does anyone know about these two from first hand? also what about the prism skimmer? Thanks for the help
  6. mr.sykes

    Hang On Skimmer??

    Hey guy looking for some help. I had a Oddessy ps75 It was junk. the body cracked. :mad: anyway I figured I don't have room for a in sump skimmer so I have to get a hang on. I have about 200 to spend. I have a 55 gal tank with about 45 lbs of lr and 55 lbs of ls. Any suggestions would be...
  7. mr.sykes

    advice needed!

    Cool good info on the red leg's. I thought they were not as hardy. The crabs I mean. Also Is it possible to have crabs and snails in the tank with a porcupine puffer? I know they are ok with alot of the fish I want to keep. My mom's work they have a tank with a porcupine , dogface, yellow tang...
  8. mr.sykes

    advice needed!

    Hey Guys for all of your insights on my problem. I have a 55 gal. TRU-VU tank. I've heard about snails becoming a problem because they reproduce fast and overwhelm the tank.. I heard this from another site. What kind of crabs whould you guys suggest? I know they is alot of kinds and some are not...
  9. mr.sykes

    advice needed!

    Well all of my levels are at zero except my nitrates, they are at 10 or so. I used my hand to sift through the sand to cover it up. I am going to start an 8 hour lighting schedule tomorrow. I think this will help. It was on 12’s. Anyway I am still wandering what type of cleaner crew to start. I...
  10. mr.sykes

    advice needed!

    Hi guys, I need some advice. I have had my tank up for about 5-6 weeks now. My water perameters look great. I have this brown algae on my sand bed and now starting to cover my LR. My LFS told me to look in phosphate kit and removers. I was wondering If a cleaner crew could help. Can you guys...
  11. mr.sykes

    Big Problem!

    my tank has been cycled for 3 weeks. I was told by my LFS it was safe to Damsels and Some types of Clowns in there... Anyway I don't plan on putting another puffer in there for a while. I think Maybe a Porcupine puffer...
  12. mr.sykes

    Big Problem!

    ok update... Went to the other LFS today. Had the water tested. results: 0 Ammonia, 0 Nitrites, O nitrates, Ph 8.3 , Specific Gravity 1.023 . so It wasn't my tank. all of the other fish that are in there are fine... They think that the puffer was sick. Im going to run my damsels and clown...
  13. mr.sykes

    Big Problem!

    Hey Guys I bought a DF Puffer About 3 days ago. He was looking fine and eating. But I woke up today and he was dead. I checked my levels and have little or none of the basic 3. but my Ph is 8.8... I had him in there with 2 damsels and a clark clown. my tank is about 3 weeks old but before I...
  14. mr.sykes

    if you could have any aggressive fish whitch one would you pick out of theses

    Yeah I just got today. He/she is kinda moody.
  15. mr.sykes

    if you could have any aggressive fish whitch one would you pick out of theses

    Dogface Puffer! They are so cool. I just put my saltwater tank back up. can't wait to get one...