Big Problem!


New Member
Hey Guys I bought a DF Puffer About 3 days ago. He was looking fine and eating. But I woke up today and he was dead.
I checked my levels and have little or none of the basic 3. but my Ph is 8.8... I had him in there with 2 damsels and a clark clown. my tank is about 3 weeks old but before I got him the water was perfect. What should I do to lower the Ph? I think Im going to go to the LFS today to have them check it. Thanks for your help!


New Member
ok update... Went to the other LFS today. Had the water tested. results: 0 Ammonia, 0 Nitrites, O nitrates, Ph 8.3 , Specific Gravity 1.023 . so It wasn't my tank.
all of the other fish that are in there are fine... They think that the puffer was sick. Im going to run my damsels and clown for now..
my tank is about 3 weeks old but before I got him the water was perfect.
Your tank has only been set-up for three weeks????


Active Member
Originally Posted by Dragonladylea
Your tank has only been set-up for three weeks????

Has it been set up for three weeks, or cycled for three weeks? :notsure:
If it's only three weeks old you shouldn't have fish in there yet.
If it's been cycled for three weeks you shouldn't have more than 1 fish in there right now.


Active Member
unfortunately i have to agre with everyone here on this one your tank is way to young to be putting in most species of fish right now as for another puffer i would wait until your tank is at least 5 months old to try another one.puffers are very sensetive to stress and water quality .your tank has not been established long enough to have built up benificial bacterias to keep most fish in right now.i would also recomend adding some bacter vital to your system.this will help built those bacterias and speed up the cycle process to protect the fish you already have.this products will give a false high amonia reading.but it will accualy reduce the ammonias by adding the bacteria that eats it


New Member
my tank has been cycled for 3 weeks. I was told by my LFS it was safe to Damsels and Some types of Clowns in there... Anyway I don't plan on putting another puffer in there for a while. I think Maybe a Porcupine puffer...