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  1. saba

    Water change yes or no?

    Originally Posted by ophiura My advice is the number one rule in the hobby: Patience. The tank, IMO, is not suitable for corals right now, and definitely not new one's. I would get things in order. Get in the habit of water changes. Get the parameters in order, and give the animals a nice stress...
  2. saba


    I finally bought him today, his approx 10 cm long, he is a bit nervous in the tank at the moment hiding behind the lr, u should get one, nice fish...
  3. saba


    I will be getting some hermits this weekend, we have a local beach that I can pick them up from! I really am keen on this Niger(redtooth) it seems timid with the fish its with at the moment, one been a red flame angel, size of my oscilaris.. :happyfish
  4. saba


    Thankyou for your reply, I bought 5 turbo snails today, do you have any suggestions on how to remove the damsels? I have alot of lr approx 110lbs,and there is alot of hiding space..
  5. saba


    I have a 135 gallon tank and would like to introduce some cleaners, At the moment a have 2 oscilaros clowns, 4 damsels ie humbugs and fijian, and a pair of cardinals, what would be the most appropriate cleaners? I would also like to put in a niger trigger in soon! Is the niger ok with what I...
  6. saba

    what's the 1st thing you wish you had known

    I second that!!!!!!!!