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  1. gvran71

    going on vacation

    thanks for the tips. I think the drip method is a very good ideas and will work on that tonight. Happy holidays to everyone!
  2. gvran71

    going on vacation

    will i have a nitire spike if i shut down my wet dry sump for about 5 days while I am on vacation? I still have to manually add water as it evaporates out of the sump and i am afraid that I will burn out my pump if i am gone with no one to replensih the sump my tannk is fully established (6...
  3. gvran71

    blueface angel

    how do you get sponge to angel fishes? what is the best sponge food for angels? where do you get nori seaweed?
  4. gvran71

    dying tang

    tank has been up and running since late may.
  5. gvran71

    dying tang

    this is my first tank. ammonia level - 0 I realize that I need a Q tank. I own a three books, including a reference book. At work so I don't have the names. I have done a ton of research and study but I guess first hand experience is essential. thanks for the response.
  6. gvran71

    dying tang

    sorry, forgot to mention sg- 1.22 george
  7. gvran71

    dying tang

    brought home yellow tang from lfs about 6:00 last night. Followed acclimation guide and he was released into tank around 7:00. I do not have a q tank. he is only fish in tank. he swam around end to end quite normally for about 4 hours. This morning he is behind some of my live rock laying on...
  8. gvran71

    yellow tang

    i currently have a yellow tang in a 75 gallon long. Can I add a niger trigger to the tank? or any other trigger? thanks!
  9. gvran71

    humu trigger bite

    possibly a puffer fish. what else could a humu trigger live with?
  10. gvran71

    humu trigger bite

    after visting my lfs yesterday i have decided to keep a humu trigger in my 75g long, but first i hope i can get a couple of questions answered: 1) I would like to purchase a medium to large size specimen, will my tank size be ok for him? I may put in a puffer at some point down the road. 2) I...
  11. gvran71

    fish stocking list

    I have a 75 gallon long FO tank: considering this stocking list: 5 green chromis regal tang niger trigger flame angel sand sifting starfish will this combo work? I appreciate any advise.
  12. gvran71

    air bubble wand

    I have a 75 gallon with two poweheads and a return flow from a wet/dry filter. I purchased an air bubble wand (23 inches) but I have read some posts in this forum not to put air bubbles into the tank. My dealer has a air stone in each of his tanks. shoud I shelf the bubble strip?
  13. gvran71

    fish losses

    I used the method in SALTWATER FISH FOR DUMMIES Placed bag unopen in tank for 10 minutes the I opened the bag and added a cup of tank water to the bag, after 10 minutes i poured the entire bag into the tank. appreciate the help.
  14. gvran71

    fish losses

    set up 75 gallon long tank (fish only)3 weeks ago with live sand and some live rock. wet/dry filter with built in skimmer, magnum 350, and powerheads. Used instant ocean and ph was 7.9 last weekk. Started to use a buffer and ph stabilized at 8.2. Ntitirte/nitrate and ammonia all ok. S.G at...