humu trigger bite


New Member
after visting my lfs yesterday i have decided to keep a humu trigger in my 75g long, but first i hope i can get a couple of questions answered:
1) I would like to purchase a medium to large size specimen, will my tank size be ok for him? I may put in a puffer at some point down the road.
2) I have read on the board that the undulate trigger has no problem biting a hand if it is in the tank, does the humu have a propensity to bite hands in the tank? I really love their looks and movement but that would be the only concern holding me back.
once gain, thanks for all the help


Active Member
A 75 is the minimum size for a humu. Mine bit me on several occasions. Mostly when I was moving stuff around in the tank and not paying attention. I don't think it ever drew blood. Bo


most puffers are fine but he will go after the porky puffers spines and the fins of lionfish. those are the main 2 that are a bad idea to go with them


I had a humo trigger a few years back. He lived happily with a blue, and a yellow tang. It did drew blood from my finger was I was showing friends how I could hand feed my fish. It taught me a lesson. The bite was no big deal and I really enjoyed that fish!


There used to be a lfs that has since closed down, that the owner would play catch WITH the trigger!


Active Member
OK...I hate to ask...the owner would throw the trigger to someone else? hehe...
Or the trigger would throw something to the owner like dolphins do? :confused:


I have a humu aka picasso in w/ a porky and a voilatan and they all get along great so far, when I need to work in the tank I put up a divider, I am more afraid of the lion than the trigger though.
I have a clown trigger with a picaso trigger and they get along perfect!:p I was just wondering if i could put a niger in there with them?:confused:


mine did well together as well or almost a year then one day the trigger just went banannas and took a huge chuck out of my porky and all the fins off my lion with no notice just snapped. I wasnt there when it started but when I got home I was trying figure our what happened while looking in the tank the trigger stated shaking and took off to the other side of the tank and took another huge chunk out of porky. needless to say I wasnt happy it took several months of nuresing the porky and lion to get them back to health. so e very cautious with the mix.



Originally posted by Buzz
OK...I hate to ask...the owner would throw the trigger to someone else? hehe...
Or the trigger would throw something to the owner like dolphins do? :confused:

No, actually the guy would twirl a finger in the water. The trigger would rush at it to bite it. He'd grab it, pick it up out of the water, and kind of toss it about 2-3' away, back into the tank. Than do it again, and the trigger would fall for it again and again and again!!!
Not that I'd try that, they'd also grab $6 damsels and feed them to sharks and such. Yes, they're no longer in business.... was one of the coolest fish stores in detroit while it lasted though!