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  1. roosworld

    Hey doing my first testing Help

    Hey there,Let me just say that this site has really helped me: O.K. I have just done my first testing on my tank Nitrite - 0.4 Amonia - 70 What is it supossed to be? It does not tell me anywhere. LOL ! I really feel un educated.:confused:
  2. roosworld

    Filter or Skimmer for new tank?

    I am a new salt guy with a brand new today 55 gal tank a sump system .sea clone skimmer and a pond master in the 10 gal tank under the tank in the stand.flow master is the overflow equipment.A heater a power head The water seems to be really moving.A double compact lighting florescent,The store...
  3. roosworld

    New Tank Owner?

    thanks sinners girl, The store told me to use the crushed coral then when the hydro meter says the level is right add the live sand.I am using a sump set up. An over flow thing.along with a sea clone 100 protien skimmer also in the 10 gal tank under the tank in the stand.They gave me a power...
  4. roosworld

    New Tank Owner?

    Hey I just got a 55 gal tank and I think all the stuff to make it work but I am not sure.I am using a sump system and a skimmer with a power head in the tank.I have washed the coral and added the salt.Waiting for the water to be right to add the live sand.The store told me I could get the fish...
  5. roosworld

    Buying a tank today need alittle advise

    Hello, I am buying a tank today and need alittle help.Should I go with a "kit" that they have put together or should I piece together my own?(I know this sounds silly but you never know)I wanted to go with a fish tank instead of coral ,But I wanted some coral (The brian coral is great) Can you...