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  1. hscott

    Dot on envelope ??

    What does the black dot on my envelope mean? I'm such a novice, just learning the message board way.:confused:
  2. hscott

    Help - dying fish

    The clown did breathe hard and lay on its side. They each only lasted about 3 days each. Swimming great for 2, missing one and then found dead. No visible signs of of parasite. I'd like to add another fish. Can you recommend one hardier? that is reef and community fish friendly.
  3. hscott

    Help - dying fish

    We've had our tank set up for about 8 months and it used to be a home to a Picasso Trigger, Niger Trigger and 6-line Grouper. We've sold them are turning it into a reef/fish tank. We have an E-heim canister filter on the tank and the water is testing perfectly fine (see stats below), but we've...
  4. hscott


    Right now the red flame scallop is the only invert I have that needs phytoplankton I think. I also have a linka starfish and the above mentioned shrimp and crabs. I am preparing to buy a pink tip haitian anenome and I bought Coralife Ivertebrate Target Food in preparation. Is that good food...
  5. hscott

    Help - dying fish

    I used the drip method recommended by for the Lemonpeel and the clownfish we got from the LFS prior to knowledge of the drip method, and we let them get acclimated to the temp for about 20 min and then added some water from the tank, and let them float then released them. Now...
  6. hscott


    Thanks Banshee! Now, DT's...Thats a brand?
  7. hscott


    Dumb question, I know, but... Do I need to feed this scallop phytoplankton, or is it in the tank somehow?:confused:
  8. hscott

    Help - dying fish

    the one clown swam to top of tank kinda vertical, then laid on bottom breathing hard, and then dissapeared. The other was just gone. Both of these were before the scallop. And I know he is OK because it moved into a new position this morning. The lemon peel never seemed distressed. It hid a...
  9. hscott

    Help - dying fish

    We've had our tank set up for about 8 months and it used to be a home to a Picasso Trigger, Niger Trigger and 6-line Grouper. We've sold them are turning it into a reef/fish tank. We have an E-heim canister filter on the tank and the water is testing perfectly fine (see stats below), but we've...