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  1. dark4p

    Socal: 12 gallon JBJ DX for sale

    ya ill take it can you give me direction to pick it up im in anaheim.
  2. dark4p

    advise on fish and coral

    i would go with power compacts for your tank since its a 29 ga. JbJ is good lighting. and i would buy some live sand or just sand like 0 grade. filters i would go with a canster type and a scimer. if ya need the whole run down on seting up a sw tank email me ill make ya a list on what to start...
  3. dark4p

    ammonia help

    ok kewl thanks for the help. Next time ill go to the lfs before i use tap water.
  4. dark4p

    advise on fish and coral

    how long has your tank been up for or have you started it yet? What type of lighting do you have and filters etc..
  5. dark4p

    ammonia help

    im going to rise my temp to about 80? Probley go antoher week and test the water agian and if ammonia is still high ill do like a 20% change .
  6. dark4p

    ammonia help

    i just setup up a tank about 2 weeks ago ive been testing the water and the ammonia has been fine until just now its about 0.5 is this dew to the cycle i have about 40 lbs of LR. 40 gal ph is about 8.4 and salinity about 1.025 temp 79 f. and also got this brown alge grownin like crazy ive been...
  7. dark4p

    Socal: 12 gallon JBJ DX for sale

    im in oc area wondering what type of lighting it has and if you have a pic thanks...
  8. dark4p

    Ich Problem

    i used my water from my main tank will this be fine and its about a 20 gallon tank i also added some live rock and filter heater and air stone ... my 40 gal tank is pretty much a deastor i did a 20% water change and the crushed coral has like a layer of dirt and slim im probley gonna haft to...
  9. dark4p

    Ich Problem

    yea i just set up a qt tank. How long should i leave them in there for .. thanks..
  10. dark4p

    tested water parms HELP!!!

    I would do a water change about 30% or soo. high levels can cause exvessive algae growth thoe..
  11. dark4p

    Ich Problem

    what should i do with my main tank as far of killing the ick i have about 30lbs of live rock init i was going to drop the salinity to about 1.09 or soo and i need to setup up a qt tank. should i use my water for the qt tank and med it for the ich. how long should i let my main tank run before i...
  12. dark4p

    Ich Problem

    i have a 40 gal with 2 glowns and one blue tang . My bro just bought the tang for me and it has ich badly all over and in its mouth white dots. Now my clowns are getting it what should i do will it infest my tank or fish only? and i bought this stuff called kick-ich safe for all fish, corals and...
  13. dark4p

    ICH Problem

    i have a 40 gal with 2 glowns and one blue tang . My bro just bought the tang for me and it has ich badly all over and in its mouth white dots. Now my clowns are getting it what should i do will it infest my tank or fish only? and i bought this stuff called kick-ich safe for all fish, corals and...
  14. dark4p

    new setup

    thanks for the info one guy at the lfs told me 55 watts would do i wannted to run atleast 96 watts.
  15. dark4p

    new setup

    i have a 4o gallon tank wonderin what type of lighting to go with will power compact work fine like around 55 watts or should i go higher.. im probley just gonna add some soft coral. Happy NEW year