Ich Problem


New Member
i have a 40 gal with 2 glowns and one blue tang . My bro just bought the tang for me and it has ich badly all over and in its mouth white dots. Now my clowns are getting it what should i do will it infest my tank or fish only? and i bought this stuff called kick-ich safe for all fish, corals and invertebrates Reef safe No copper. Im just wonderin the fish survivablty with ich. And should i qt them if i do would they get shock from moving them around because there already sick?? thanks for the help.:help:


Active Member
yeah you should qt them the tang probably got ick because a 40 is too small for him and he got stressed out


New Member
what should i do with my main tank as far of killing the ick i have about 30lbs of live rock init i was going to drop the salinity to about 1.09 or soo and i need to setup up a qt tank. should i use my water for the qt tank and med it for the ich. how long should i let my main tank run before i add fish again. And will the live rock survive with the lower levels of salinity. Thanks for the help... Im gonna try to get the tang back to normal and give him to a lfs because he is way to big for that tank.


Staff member
Reef tanks or tanks with live rock will not work with any effective ich treatments. Are you going to set up a quarantine? Take a look at the Ich post in the FAQ Thread at the top of the forum.


New Member
i used my water from my main tank will this be fine and its about a 20 gallon tank i also added some live rock and filter heater and air stone ... my 40 gal tank is pretty much a deastor i did a 20% water change and the crushed coral has like a layer of dirt and slim im probley gonna haft to start over on my main tank.


Active Member
yeah i would take the cc out an replace it with sand as cc trap nitrates after a while. ich can only live on fish. and your qt will be fine with the water from your main tank.