Search results

  1. machiavelli

    Looking for green clone BTA near Ann Arbor MI

    Like the title says. Needs to be *fully* colored, not just the tips. Must be sticky and actively eating. I'm willing to pay nicely for quality.
  2. machiavelli

    As close up as you can get

    Most of the slides are of detrius particles in the sump, so its mostly detrius plus a drop of water.
  3. machiavelli

    As close up as you can get

    Managed to get some pics from the microscope by holding my coolpix 950 up to the lense (duh). Flatworm flatworm closeup no idea no idea airbubbles, plus some "no ideas"
  4. machiavelli

    Asterina obscura + Harlequin shrimp

    Is that how often they feed? From what I read on, by cutting I can have hundreds in a week or two. And yes, if worse comes to worse I could always get a chocolate chip or serpent
  5. machiavelli

    Asterina obscura + Harlequin shrimp

    I noticed yesterday that I had at least two asterina starfish in my sump. If I gave them time to reproduce (as they do so prolifically) I was thinking about adding one of those beautiful Harlequin shrimps. What do you guys think?
  6. machiavelli

    Look read-sumpfugium-please help

    Looks alot like my sump plan How come you have the AC500 in the sump? Thats what I'm currently using for my tank before I get the sump up and running and was planning on just tossing it in a closet. Also, whats your reason for putting the pod rubble underneath the overflow tube rather than in...
  7. machiavelli

    DIY baffles

    Based on what I've gathered, here are my plans for the sump. Any critiques?
  8. machiavelli

    ophiura: Serpent star infection?

    Yeah, between Fish Doctors and Coral Reef, I'm pretty well off. Unfotunetly I havent any frags at all. I've only just added a thumbnail sized piece of Pulsing Xenia to see how it will do (crosses fingers) As far as the star fish goes, it seems that the legs themselves are breaking up into even...
  9. machiavelli

    ophiura: Serpent star infection?

    I cant thank you enough for your offer Leigh, but unfortunetaly he is in about 7 small pieces by now :( He just gets progressively smaller. It probably wont surprise you to know it was Fish Doctors which recommended iodine dip. Was told this by one of the younger employees (I think I went to...
  10. machiavelli

    ophiura: Serpent star infection?

    Tank is a 55 long and has been established for about 4-5 months. pH remains relatively constant. I'm in the planning stages of a sump which should help alleviate the temperature, in the meanwhile I was planning on raising the lighting canopy a bit, although we dont have any fans around the...
  11. machiavelli

    ophiura: Serpent star infection?

    Lessee, tank params: pH: 8.3 Am: 0 Ni: 0 Na: ~5 Alk: 3 meq/L Ca: 400 Salinity: 1.0235 Temp: 84, 86 on hot days O2: Havent tested lately but it was ok last I checked. Only thing that seems concerns me is the bad temp, since we have been having alot of hot and humid days. I took a look at one of...
  12. machiavelli

    ophiura: Serpent star infection?

    Fixed it as you were writing your post. Furthermore, I'm not sure how it could have been acclimation shock. I drip acclimated for several hours, not to mention that this all happened two months later...
  13. machiavelli

    ophiura: Serpent star infection?

    My serpent star sort of fell to pieces. When we first bought it, it had a small area or two of pale white discoloration which we didnt think much of. Now, almost two months later a large tear appears (shown here I figured it was a small...
  14. machiavelli

    DIY baffles

    Looking to make a sump and am still debating whether to use a rubbermaid or just a small aquarium. Either way I'll have to add my own baffles. What sort of adhesive to you recommend, and what material should the baffles be made of? Also, what do you recommend I put in the sump, once done...
  15. machiavelli

    Shedd pics

    Chicago. Great place to visit if you ever happen to come this way. My personal favorites are the ones of the anemones in the shallows. Theyre farther down, near the dolphin pics.
  16. machiavelli

    Shedd pics

    Got a whole mess of em here Anybody else?
  17. machiavelli

    Funniest avatar I have ever seen!

    I remember that. Not sure where I found it, but I hid a link to it on the front page of my site, amongst other things. <wanders off to find it again>
  18. machiavelli

    Havent had any luck IDing this

    Yeah, the LFS I got it from, The Fish Doctors (great place by the way, check it out) didnt really know either. I recall looking up the LFS you mentioned, but their number didnt work. You got a phone number you can PM me? And me, I'm just a lowly Junior :)
  19. machiavelli

    Havent had any luck IDing this

    Guess that does read rather ambiguously doesnt it? Basically I have some scarlets and a bunch of these maroonish-blue hermits. I was wondering if anyone could ID the second type of hermit. All the pictures on the page are of the mystery hermit other than the last two, which are just a scarlet...