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  1. titus24

    water quality vs. clarity

    DJMPJ, do another 20% water change tommorow, and then another 20% the next day. This seems to work, and hopefully it wont stress out your fish too much. After you do the water change, you may want to consult your LFS on some water clearing chemicals, so you can pour them in and let it cycle...
  2. titus24

    Furry Algae

    My 50 gallon tank is in its last stages of maturation. Ammonia is almost gone, Nitrites are high and Nitrates are rising. I have about 45 lbs of LR and im seeing some new green and darker colored furry algae growing in some spots on the rocks. Is this algae worse than regular algae? Is it going...
  3. titus24

    Greenbird Wrasse and Yellow Tang

    The Tang, Wrasse and Puffer, are gonig to be the main fish in the tank. Any other fish added will be small and I will make sure they are compatible with these 3 to prevent any problems. I'd be perfectly fine having these 3 fish be the main, large fish in the tank and maybe have a few other...
  4. titus24

    Greenbird Wrasse and Yellow Tang

    I've always wanted a Greenbird Wrasse since I first saw one. I would also like a dogface puffer at some point, but hadn't even thought about putting him in this early. Besides that, I've just been concentrating on the greenbird and the yellow tang. I share the tank, so other people will be...
  5. titus24

    brown algea

    Sounds common with a relatively new tank. Diatoms, like MORAY stated. Soon the brown algae will turn into green alage. The LFS recommended cutting down the amount of light time by a few hours when this happens, causing less algae to grow. Eventaully, the brown and green algae should be...
  6. titus24

    Greenbird Wrasse and Yellow Tang

    Thanks for the help. Im not planning on any shrimps or crabs, so i think it sounds relataively safe to put them both in together. As for cleaner fish, since I can't put in any inverts, do you have any recommendations for a non invert cleaning crew?
  7. titus24

    My Fish Lineup

    Your Flameback Angel, Clown and Basslet fish are usually terrirtorial. Im not sure about the Wrasse or Tang, but most Wrasses are also territorial. You have a large area with 90 gallons, but they say its wise to introduce territorial fish at the same time, so they can pick their terriroties and...
  8. titus24

    *Very new to SW* Having cycling probs

    I think your tank should be fine. The Ammonia appears to be going down, and the Nitrite going up, which is part of the cyclying process. Soon your Nitrate levels should peak, and then its only a matter of a water change to deplete them.
  9. titus24

    Greenbird Wrasse and Yellow Tang

    After I'm completed maturing my tank with damsels, I'm considering placing a GreenBird wrasse and a Yellow Tang as my first REAL fish. I know they are both territorial, so I've heard its a good idea to introduce them at the same time. Will this cause a problem down the line when I introduce...