*Very new to SW* Having cycling probs


Just wondering if anyone can explain the cycling process to me. I just set up a 50 gallon SW tank and used Bio-spira to start maturing the filter. At the time I only had about 5 pounds of LR and no other bio filter. I tested my water the next day and had no ammonia, nitrites, or nitrates. A day or so later i added ceramic rings to my canister filter and about 40 more pounds of LR at the request of my mom (didn't want to, but long story). Now my ammonia levels are pretty high and nitrite levels are *really* high. Is this just part of the cycle or did I mess it up by adding too much live rock to a tank that had no biological filter to begin with?


Active Member
:D hi, and welcome, it sounds fine to me. your ammonia should be going up in the middle of your cycle. then it will start coming down and go to zero


Active Member
actually amonia is the first to rise and the first to fall. Dont worrie in a cycle let it spike as high as it will. The higher it spikes then your really pushing the bacteria colony to eat it and there for there is more bacteria and in turn ='s a better tank.


New Member
I think your tank should be fine. The Ammonia appears to be going down, and the Nitrite going up, which is part of the cyclying process. Soon your Nitrate levels should peak, and then its only a matter of a water change to deplete them.