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  1. fiestyfish

    Fish suggestion anyone??

    Well Mr. CraigJ, it hasn't been quite a month yet, but just wanted to update you on the status of my fish. Somehow, they are all still alive! I know you have sentenced them to death, but with the help of this board and some dumb luck of my own I guess, everything is thriving. The cowfish is...
  2. fiestyfish

    clownfish/anemone, how, what?

    I say go for it, having a clown in an anenome is awesome! I have two percs, and they live in my bubble anenome. Tank raised usually will not go near an anenome though. I had one perc that was tank raised, and then I bought another perc with the bubble anenome the same day. The new perc went...
  3. fiestyfish

    Nitrates and red slime algae problems

    Sammy, You bring up a good point, from an angle I haven't thought of yet. I have two powerheads in the tank, just for circulation. However, with all of the rock, I am probably not getting it circulated enough. I have noticed that I don't have algae right where the powerheads are blowing. Should...
  4. fiestyfish

    Nitrates and red slime algae problems

    Chris, That is sounding dang cool! I am about ready to start building mine, I just need to find a glass store that will cut the plexi for me. What is the weldon #16? Can it be found pretty much anywhere? Is there anything in that that will harm the refugium, or is it safe? I will check for your...
  5. fiestyfish

    Nitrates and red slime algae problems

    Chris, That is awesome! I like how you have set that up. You and I have pretty much identical set ups, down to the sea clone, lighting and powerheads. I too have had great luck with the sea clone, no problems at all, and it is skimming great! I am wondering how you are planning to use the sea...
  6. fiestyfish

    Nitrates and red slime algae problems

    Thanks Chris, I will check it out today! I would really like to do it myself, sounds like a cool project. Your site is temp unavailable, so I will check it out later.... Jonathan
  7. fiestyfish

    Nitrates and red slime algae problems

    So can anyone tell me how to build a refugium? I need some details, as this is something that I am not familiar with. Please either help me out or give me some links that would assist me. Thanks!!! Jonathan :eek:
  8. fiestyfish

    Nitrates and red slime algae problems

    Hi everyone, thanks for your help so far. Andy, I am interested in the refugium idea. How exactly would I set that up? I am not very familiar with it. Tell me what DSB is, and what types of macro algaes you would fill it with. Also, I am not sure what a reverse photo period is. Sorry to sound...
  9. fiestyfish

    Nitrates and red slime algae problems

    Hey guys, I am having some newer problems in my tank, and wonder what your thoughts are. I know that they are related, but that is about it. First, my nitrates are at about 20 ppm, and I cannot get them below this. The tank is 37 gallon, ls/lr, 5 fish, 2 percs, 1 yellow tang, 1 royal gramma and...
  10. fiestyfish

    Fish suggestion anyone??

    Hey CraigJ, amazingly, I did read the boards about the cow fish. What I learned is that I need to keep him healthy, and not stressed. I also learned they grow big, but not as big in captivity. My fish is very small, less than an inch. I could cover him with a quarter. I really doubt he will grow...
  11. fiestyfish

    frustrating (many unexplained deaths)

    I am not a fish expert, but have been a hobbyist with fresh and salt for the past 3 plus years. In reading your post, my opinion is that your tank has not "cycled" sufficiently yet. I wouldn't add anything else to your tank for sure, and make sure you quickly take out anything that dies. When...
  12. fiestyfish

    Fish suggestion anyone??

    Thanks!! You guys are great! Here is my update: I ended up getting a couple of really small fish. I got a black boxfish, or cowfish, that is just dang cool. He has a ton of personality. I also added a couple of pajama cardinals, that are really young. I feel that it should be a good spread for...
  13. fiestyfish

    Fish suggestion anyone??

    A cow fish, that sounds really cool! I believe that I have seen one before, isn't it similar to a puffer? I am trying to look it up online, but I cannot fine it. Do you know what class of fish this is? I would like to read up on them.... Thanks again...
  14. fiestyfish

    Fish suggestion anyone??

    Howdy, This is my first time to this board, but I should have joined long ago. I have an easy question. I have a 30 gallon reef tank, and I am setting up a smaller 10 gallon salt water tank in my master bedroom. My question is, what kind of fish should I put in here? It is fish only, and I would...