Nitrates and red slime algae problems


New Member
Hey guys, I am having some newer problems in my tank, and wonder what your thoughts are. I know that they are related, but that is about it. First, my nitrates are at about 20 ppm, and I cannot get them below this. The tank is 37 gallon, ls/lr, 5 fish, 2 percs, 1 yellow tang, 1 royal gramma and a psychedelic. I run a skimmer 24/7, emporor 24/7, plus 2 powerheads. I have probably 70 pounds of live rock in there. Over feeding isn't a problem, but I also have lots of hermits, and a starfish. I only use r/o water, and weekly 15% water changes.
What else can I do to lower the nitrates??
Next problem is tons of red algae, which is impossible to control. I know that nitrates are part of it, and so I want to lower those. Also, lighting is part of it, but I don't feel it is with me. I have 110 watts of p/c lights, one 50/50 and one super daylight. They are on for 8 hours total a day. Phosphates are a little high, and I am wondering what to do to decrease thoughs. LFS sold me some phos-guard, and it has been in for about two weeks. No help though. Also, lfs sold me some red algae remover, and it killed it, but then two days later it all came back again....
I would really appreciate any thoughts or help on this frustrating issue.
Thanks for your time!
I'm not sure i'm going to give it a shot since no one has replied yet.
Maybe your over filtering the tank. If it's such a thing. I've noticed that is a 37gal. You have 70lbs. of l/r and how much l/s? How long has the tank been running.
Just a shot I really don't know but someone will be here to help you soon. Good luck.


Depending on the filter media you have in the emporer filter, that could be your problem. One way to reduce nitrates is to build a refugium for your system. Fill it with a DSB and plenty of macro algaes and run it on a reverse photoperiod. This will usually help reduce the nitrates significantly.


i know you said that overfeeding was not a problem, but i was just wondering how much and how often are you feeding ? also, for your algae, i had the same problem and am still working on it. what i am doing right now is cutting my lighting back from 8 hrs to about 4. i dont have any corals so the lighting right now is not a problem. you may want to try cutting back your lighting and keep up the water changes and also cut your feeding. last, i really think a 37 gal is too small for a yellow tank. especially with 70# of live rock i cant imagine he has very much space to move around.
[ September 24, 2001: Message edited by: Nosmada ]


New Member
Hi everyone, thanks for your help so far.
Andy, I am interested in the refugium idea. How exactly would I set that up? I am not very familiar with it. Tell me what DSB is, and what types of macro algaes you would fill it with. Also, I am not sure what a reverse photo period is. Sorry to sound like an idiot!
The tank has been up for nearly two years, and this is the first this problem has been like this. I have probably 4 inches of l/s. I feed once a day, in the early evening.
I don't feel that I can cut back on the lighting, because of some corals I have in the tank. I have an anenome, and different polyps, some mushrooms, and a leather. I don't think that I am over filtering the tank, I have thought about that though.
Any other ideas or thoughts? Thanks again for everyones time!!


from what ive heard i would also agree with andymi with the canister filter. i dont run one but have read other posts on how they can be a nitrate factory, which i can see being as they catch a bunch of leftover food inside with no means to get rid of it. going with a fuge or a sump and a DSB would probably be a much better option.


New Member
So can anyone tell me how to build a refugium? I need some details, as this is something that I am not familiar with.
Please either help me out or give me some links that would assist me.
Jonathan :eek:


New Member
Thanks Chris, I will check it out today! I would really like to do it myself, sounds like a cool project.
Your site is temp unavailable, so I will check it out later....


New Member
That is awesome! I like how you have set that up. You and I have pretty much identical set ups, down to the sea clone, lighting and powerheads. I too have had great luck with the sea clone, no problems at all, and it is skimming great!
I am wondering how you are planning to use the sea clone as your return for the refugium? Are you going to do the refugium as a hang on, or under tank? I think I can see how it would work, just checking though. Do you think I could do the same thing but using a ten gallon as the shell of the refugium? I could get some glass to go in for the dividers, but I am not sure what to use to pump the water back up? Any thoughts Chris or anyone else? Looks like I have a fun project ahead of me though!


well....i just got it set up and working last night. i am using a Hagen 402 for the pump in beacaus it has an adjustable water flow so i can match the flow of the skimmer out. the whole fuge is a hang on. to be honist with you i may modify the return to just overflow in the tank because of the fact that the powerhead in-flow is very sensative and hard to match the skimmer. i messed with it for at least an hour till i got it. then i left and let it run but quickly returned home because i was afraid it may overflow. i also unplugged it today before i left for work so i think i will modify it and have no worries. i will take some pics tonight and put them on my site the way it is set up now though. then im takin it down and melt some plexi :D
if you are gonna use one under the tank i would recommend getting an overflowCPR has some nice ones.


New Member
That is sounding dang cool! I am about ready to start building mine, I just need to find a glass store that will cut the plexi for me. What is the weldon #16? Can it be found pretty much anywhere? Is there anything in that that will harm the refugium, or is it safe?
I will check for your pics tonight. I like your idea about melting the plastic, it would be less stress if you could control the flow like that.
Thanks for all of your tips! When I get this stuff done, I will do a section of my web page on building it, and on my tanks. Credit will go to you for the plans of course. :D


weldon was pretty hard for me to get. i couldnt find it anywhere around here. i finally found a place in california called gavirelli plastics. ill post there # since there not a competetor of SWF. if it doesnt show up you can email me at
they sell tubes for around $4 (#16)thats all i used on mine
Gavrielli plastics
n.hollywood CA


New Member
You bring up a good point, from an angle I haven't thought of yet. I have two powerheads in the tank, just for circulation. However, with all of the rock, I am probably not getting it circulated enough. I have noticed that I don't have algae right where the powerheads are blowing.
Should I add more powerheads? But then I don't want too much circulation for the fish do I? What are your thoughts about the refugium? I am planning on doing that, similar to what Nosmada has running. Will that help? My biowheel intake goes almost to the substrate, and then my skimmer intake is closer to the surface.
Hopefully we get it kicked soon! It is really out of hand right now.