Search results

  1. pfunk

    Spreading star polyps

    I have some star polyps that are growing out of control in my tank. It seems like they are growing like weeds and the purple looking stuff they grow out of continues to spread from rock to rock at an alarming rate. I mean i think they are a pretty coral but they are on a collision course for...
  2. pfunk

    Need help settling a argument

    Good points. The tank in question is around 5 mos old. The water, sand and rock came from an established 20 gallon up around 5-6 mos. before the conversion to the 30. As far as how many fish are added at a time. I think no more than 2 at a time. Or maybe one or two over a week long period...
  3. pfunk

    Need help settling a argument

    OK, I have a friend who has not been able to keep any fish alive, except two clarkiis he had for little over a month in his old 20 gallon. He now has a 30 gallon tank with about 30-40 lbs of LR and 5" SB. Again, everything he puts in dies. His water has been tested and the ammonia was, "a...
  4. pfunk

    Bubble algae problem

    I had a small cluster of bubble algae in my tank for a couple of months and i thought it was pretty cool looking. the stuff is popping up all over my rock throughout my tank. Its spreading like weeds and i was wondering if it is dangerous to my tank? also Is there a natural way...
  5. pfunk

    my lights

    oh, i think i get it. So i have a total of 260 watts?! What type of corals can i keep with the lighting i have?
  6. pfunk

    my lights

    I have a question. I have a 65w sealife power compact with a reflective hood. It has two sets of white(dayglo) and blue (actinic) bulbs, one of each color in each ballast. so do i have a total of 65 watts of light in my tank (55g) or is the number higher? :confused:
  7. pfunk

    unexpected gift

    I took the tounge back to the lfs and picked up a firefish and a purple flower pot polyp. Everything seems to be going fine. Thanks for the advice
  8. pfunk

    unexpected gift

    My pop just brought me a tounge coral out of the blue. I am still acclimating right now and i was curious as to how hard are these corals to keep? What kind of current do they like? I have a 65 watt PC on my 55, is this enough light? also..... ....I have two 550 powerheads in my 55 aquarium...
  9. pfunk

    DSB question

    Since i have switched to my 65 watt PC's i have started to get a purplish color algae on my sand bed. I have been doing water changes with dechlorinated tap water. How do i take care of this problem? Would getting a few chonch's help? Or doing water changes with distilled water work? I read...
  10. pfunk

    frogspawn question

    whats selcom?
  11. pfunk

    frogspawn question

    What does this type of coral eat? Is it a meat eater? I was thinking of feeding it some brine shrimp. Any Suggestions
  12. pfunk

    filter question

    I have a 55 that has been up for about 4 mos. I have a 65w pc but my filter is tanking up to much room. Is there another option besides making a sump. My friend has just purchased a canister filter of some sort, will that work? I havent changed the filters in my skilter 400. When i put in new...
  13. pfunk

    hatching brine shrimp

    I have a 2 liter a small pump and air stone and some brine eggs. How do i hatch the brine shrimp? How long does this normally take? Hot or cold water?
  14. pfunk

    Frag help

    I have friend who has tons of mushrooms. I was wondering if fragging (new word?) is possible. If so, how do we go about doing it. I would love to get some free coral. Any help would be appreciated. Pfunk
  15. pfunk

    featherduster problem

    I dont have a tester to test anything other than salinity at this point. My tank has been up for around 3 mos. and all other inhabitants seem to do fine. I have an old heater that has been giving me trouble. I have a hard time stabilizing the temp. It has dropped as low as 70 and fluctuates...
  16. pfunk

    featherduster problem

    I have only had this guy for about a month but he is already starting to lose his feathers. His feathers seem to not be as full and i dont see him quite as much. I have a lmb, orange spotted goby and two percs so i dont think anything is picking at it. HELP!!!!!
  17. pfunk

    Clarkii and perculas

    i have a 55 gallon. I have a decent amount of rock and the clarkii has an established territory it seems. Keeping my fingers crossed;)
  18. pfunk

    Clarkii and perculas

    i have one decent sized Clarkii clown and i just put in two Perculas today. The Clarkii is kind of picking on the percs. Will this be a problem in the future or are these clowns compatible?
  19. pfunk


    Ihave a tube anenome and someone on the board as recommended that i feed it silversides. What are they? Is that the common name for them? and should my lfs have them for a reasonable price? Thanks
  20. pfunk

    tube anenome

    purplish pink with a dark green in the center. Thanks man for the info, do you think he could get by on brine shrimp?