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  1. pfunk

    tube anenome

    i just picked one up and i was curious as to hard difficult these guys are to keep. Are they aggressive?
  2. pfunk

    tube anenome

    my bad guys i didnt see the other post. :o
  3. pfunk

    tube anenome

    I just picked one up from lfs on the spur of the moment. How hard are these guys to take care of? Any other information on them or just good advice would be greatly appreciated. :)
  4. pfunk


    Ok--The whole purpose of waiting to put fish in a new tank is so you can stabilize ammonia, nitrites, and trates--So with this in mind why would you put in new water once a month which is high in ammonia and other things--After you just stabilized everything?? I need help!!!!!!!!
  5. pfunk

    The Cycle

    Why do a water change once a month??
  6. pfunk

    whats on my glass

    thanks, that eases my fear a bit. Any idea what the hell this is though?
  7. pfunk

    Show us your fish pics

    try and take the damsels back to your lfs for store credit towards something you like. ;)
  8. pfunk

    whats on my glass

    I dont have a digital camera but i am going to do my best to describe whats all over my glass. I have a bunch of white small circular looking things on my glass. They are look like real, real small tubes if you look at them real close. They are all over the place with some being larger than...
  9. pfunk

    Live Sand Question

    One area in paticular of my 55 seems like it has a lot of waste. I had an anenome a while back and fed it brine shrimp. A lot of the shrimp never got eaten and floated to the sand bed. There is now brownish fuzzy stuff in that area that i suspect is old brine shrimp decaying. Can and should...
  10. pfunk

    brown on coral - is this ok?

    nah, from what i understand the brown algae aka "diatoms" isnt harmful at all, just a nuisance. Its appearance isnt a bad thing though. It means that your tank is nearing the back end of its cycle and soon your tank and water levels will start to stabilize. Try doing a forum search on "brown...
  11. pfunk

    LR colors

    what colors are ideal for your rock? i know that each piece of lr is different but what colors are bad news? I have around 45-50 lbs in a fowlr that has been running for about 5-6 weeks and at this point i am getting lots of new purples and greens, mostly greens. I have been feeding the rock...
  12. pfunk

    The Dirtier the Better

    Mickey I was reading on your sig that you have 2 anenomes on your live rock. If those came as hitchikers on your lr, there is a good chance that those can be apstasia (sp ?). They are cool looking but can reproduce very rapidly and cause problems, like stinging any corals in the tank and being...
  13. pfunk

    Menagerie expansion...

    sounds like you are on the right track and going about it the RIGHT way. Remember to take your time and be patient. Its hard sometimes, I am still trying to practice what i preach, but in the long run your tank and its inhabitants will thank you.:D
  14. pfunk

    How much light?

    About how long should i leave my light on in my 55? I am curious about how much light should be given daily to help bring the color out in my LR? I have two flourescent "power glo" lights, they tend to do real well. Any help would be appreciated. :)
  15. pfunk

    Black Ocelaris

    thanks for the info and link guys!!!!!! The pair i am buying a real nice, all black with orange noses and the standard three vertical bands of white. They are going to be a great addition to my tank.
  16. pfunk

    Black Ocelaris

    Does anyone know anything about these guys? Are they relatively hardy? Are they hard to find? I am going to buy a pair tommorow at the LFS.
  17. pfunk

    1st post

    no pics, thats a bit high tech for me at this point. Thanks for the suggestions.
  18. pfunk

    1st post

    I am very new to the SW world and i have started a 55 gal tank. I got a skilter 400 filter w/ protein skimmer, a 550 powerhead, 2 22 in "power-glo" lights. I have around 5o lbs of LR and a nice bed of live sand that is about 3 inches deep. At this point i have 1 true percula clown, orange...