Show us your fish pics


Active Member
Thanks James-
My LMB has about seven of the blue dots on him as of now. I have always wondered about them but, I am not sure if it has to do with adulthood. He is about 3-4" and getting pretty fat.......he eats anything and everything.


lol@Rye....interesting way of putting the way Im to make my way around the board and meet people n find out info on fishies(considering thats the purpose of this thing) and stuff...: ) such wonderful long words i just used..*sheesh* (note the sarcasm on wonderful and long)...Beautiful pictures by the way..
I have the powder blue about 9 months. It has always been my favorite fish. My LFS finally got this beautiful specimin and I jumped. It has been great. It eats like a champ. The only funny thing is that it will only eat nori if it is in a clip down at the bottom of the tank. It will not come near the surface. Oh well, nobody's perfect.:)


Active Member
Herkemer - that umbrella - is that on coral or a LR? - looks nice.. are percula clowns compatible with that? Do anenomes cause lots of bio load on a system? As you can see I only have a 10 gal, but with only 2 damsels, not a lot going on in there. I'm thinking of an anenome or a feather duster. Any comments from anyone? Too much?


Hey Doodle, The umbrella, is a leather coral on a piece of man-made live rock. We have two false perks and they ignore the clown goby. I can't say if anenomes cassu bio-load as we have never had one. I heard anenomes don't last too long and clown fish will accept some corals as host just as they would an anenome. If you only have a ten gallon tank I would get rid of the damsels and find find fish that stay very small so you could have more of them in your tank. Our clown goby is maybe a little over 1 1/4 inches and I don't think he will grow anymore. We have a feather duster too and they are pretty cool.


Active Member
The problem is what to do with the damsels. I'm not going to flush them. So when I get a larger tank they'll go in there I guess. I'd like to put 2 perks in there. We'll see... thanks for the info though - nice pics.
my pixy hawkfish One-Eyed Jack. A LFS put him in an aggressive tank and unfortunately someone took out one of his eyes just leaving an empty socket. But he's healthy, eats like a pig and perches wherever he feels like


haha...whoops..just had this pointed out to me yesterday...i lol'd at the wrong supposed to be lol@james....anyways...yeah


Active Member
Can you take just one more? Here is a picture of my Majestic Angel. I took the pic in the Q tank when I first got him. His reflection was perfectly visible on the side wall, so the pic turned out kinda cool. Then I deleted the ugly Q tank background in Photoshop (got the program a month ago and am trying to work my way through it:))...which is why this picture looks like it came out of a coloring book. But it is my Majestic, honest!