whats on my glass


I dont have a digital camera but i am going to do my best to describe whats all over my glass.
I have a bunch of white small circular looking things on my glass. They are look like real, real small tubes if you look at them real close. They are all over the place with some being larger than others. They have just popped up in the past few days.
What are these? Are they bad?
i had the same thing on my tank about a week ago i just wipe it off the glass. Everything looks to be ok and others on the board said it shouldn't be a problem.
one guy told me might be eggs from fish or snails but he wasn't for sure .do a search on the board for snail eggs like i did and see if any the stuff looks like what you got on your glass. Just to confirm it.

true perc

i had that same thing near the middle of my cycle but i just wiped me off and they came back. So I let em be fer a little while and they turned into baby snails the i had over 50 baby snails on my front glass (mind u they were not even a milimeter in diamater) but i dont think its a prob i just keep wiping em off and they keep coming back. lol