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  1. seadawg

    help with angel Fish

    I have had a blueand yellow bi-color Angel for about a week. He has adapted to my tank great unti l noticedsomething weirdtoday. He has one blac eye and the other seems to have truned kind of blue. I wonder if he has a parasite or if maybe he has injured it. One weird thing I have noticed about...
  2. seadawg

    New yellow taNG

    My new yellow tang seems to be happy, eating and getting alog with other fish. but he has a brown streak across the bridge of his head/nose. What is this ? Is he OK ?
  3. seadawg

    Doesv Anyone Know How To Remove Scratches From Glass Tank?????????

    I use a wand type cleaner that extends to desired length. Sorry I have not heard anyone say how to get scratches out
  4. seadawg

    Something attached to my rock

    I have a small brown colored plant looking thing attached to my rock. I tried to attach a digital pic but it is too large. It has a shaft and comes up with 4 or 5 small tenacle looking things at the top. Someone told me they are OK and someone else told me they can hurt your fish. I have seen a...
  5. seadawg

    Bioload ??

    whats your ph, calcium, ammonia,and phosphate and whats your tank size also whatsyour filter system
  6. seadawg

    Starting a Tank

    I don Know about the fish but do U have any live rock
  7. seadawg

    crab activity

    :help: My (3) Hermit crabs have always been 24/7 until recently now there are about half that active
  8. seadawg

    3 fish too many at once?

    In my tank i added 4 damsels at once then another time i added two percula clowns and an anenomi so i don't think three is to many for a fairly large tnk not huge just not small
  9. seadawg

    small worms things ?

    I'm new to 'the boards' how do I get To the threads and are these good or bad?????
  10. seadawg

    small worms things ?

    I have small white worm looking things that are wrapped in a circleallof the time and don't move. What are they ? help :help: