small worms things ?


New Member
I have small white worm looking things that are wrapped in a circleallof the time and don't move. What are they ? help :help:


Active Member
There is a new thread that talks about them. Spirolina? worms. They dont move they build a little tube in that shape. Gets longer as they grow. I had them on my base rock for a while. They have since moved on to greener pastures.
Good Fishing


Active Member
tthemadd1 was on to it: Spirorbid worms :D There is a Hitch Hiker ID thread at the top of this forum. :yes: Lots of critters there. These guys come in blooms, especially in younger tanks. Harmless, filter feeders. Will die off over time as the tank matures. You can scrape them off if they are unsightly.