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  1. fishlvr13

    Emergency! help!

    Ok so i guess this isn't really that big of an emergency, but I needed to get someone's attention. My yellow tang is sick he has white lines on his face and he is getting bony. I feed him theese algea cubes w/ a little bit of garlic powder anyone knoe how to cure him? :o
  2. fishlvr13

    black gravel

    I have a fish only tank w/ to dead corals, and crushed coral on the bottom and i'm ahving a hard time keeping them clean. I get this black muck all over and i don't know ho to get rid of it. Please help!
  3. fishlvr13


    I'm starting a 25 gallon tank and i don't know what kind of filter to get... any suggestions? It's for a fish only. I plan on putting 4 fish in it.
  4. fishlvr13

    Yellow Tang PLEASE HELP!

    I have the same problem with my yellow tang right now that i'm trying to cure but someone suggested to me that you give it dry seaweed soaked in garlic, because it is good for the immune system.
  5. fishlvr13

    live rock

    I know this question is kinda stupid but i have a fish inly tank it's my first one that i've ever had and i've had it for a few months, but i was wondering, what exactly is live rock? Do you have to care for it differently than a fish only tank? :confused: :p
  6. fishlvr13

    New Tank

    I just started my first tank that is 25 gallons. At the moment i have a clownfish and a yellow tang. You shouldn't get more than four fish that are good sized like a yellow tang.
  7. fishlvr13

    black algea

    I have a fish only tank w/ dead coral. My lighting system is whatever came w/ my eclipse hood.
  8. fishlvr13

    black algea

    Originally posted by Beth: <STRONG>When you say "coral" are you talking about dead coral heads or live coral? What type of lighting do you have? My guess is that it is not really black, rather dark green hair algae.</STRONG>
  9. fishlvr13

    black algea

    i have a 25 eclpse tank w/ a yellow tang and a percula clown. I've noticed a slimey, stringy black algea growing on the corals, and garvel. I used to have this brown algea that stained my corals, now i don't leave my light on very long, and instead i now have this black algea. ps. I'm a...
  10. fishlvr13

    Sick yellow tang

    I'm new to the hobby i've only had my tank for a couple of months. I have a 25 gallon w/ an eclipse hood. I have a percula clown, and a yellow tang. My clown is fine but i'm not so sure about my yellow tang. It's face seems to be getting theese whitish and pink lines. He seems to have...