New Tank


I plan on setting up a 20-30 gal. tank. I have already researched on fish, and was wondering if anyone had any ideas of fish (compatible) for my tank. Thanks a buch,

fish fry

Welcome to the board,
I would suggest 2-4 of the following: Clownfish, Blennies, Cardnial Grammas, Firefish or some type of goby.
I would suggest looking through the "fishstore" portion of this web page and looking at pictures of fish you like.
Also search this board, this topic has come up a lot lately.
Good luck
Fish Fry
[ December 04, 2001: Message edited by: Fish Fry ]


New Member
I just started my first tank that is 25 gallons. At the moment i have a clownfish and a yellow tang. You shouldn't get more than four fish that are good sized like a yellow tang.
If you plan on having any tangs you will need a bigger tank. If it is just smaller fish you want a 30 gallon will do. As everybody will tell you the bigger the tank the better. If you can get a 55 or more you would be better off.