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  1. moray1980

    Ideas for new saltwaterfish!

    Hi everyone. I currently have 3 tanks. My 36 gal bowfront is my newest tank I have 1-6" snowflake, 1-lg starry blenny, 1-lg lyretail hawk fish1- small percale clown. This tank is going good. I want to add coral and frags to make it more colorful. But I'll wait until this tank gets more...
  2. moray1980

    what to get?

    try bumping,bump,bump,bump
  3. moray1980

    what to get?

    been a while since i have posted just thought i would ask 4 some advice. i wanna get a good agressive tank going again. i have a 125 gal.i really want a harliquin tusk and a eel,maybe a blue face . i don't want a snowflake or zebra,i was thinking about a tesselata but he would probably just get...
  4. moray1980

    Have To Sell My Stuff

    yes i still have it no i don't ship
  5. moray1980

    Have To Sell My Stuff

    This Is What All I Have Fish Must Go First Then Ill Sell Equipment. Lg Snowflake Eel-$30 Small Chestnut Eel-$50 Small Banded Moray-$30 Juvi Harliquin Tusk-$45 Lg Cinnomon Clown-$20 Juvie Red Coris Wrasse-$50 "beautiful" Small False Rock Fish-$20 Small Fuzzy Dwarf Lion-$30 I Live In Amarillo...
  6. moray1980

    a couple pics

    here are my chestnut eel/viper eel? and my banded moray.tons more photo's ill add more later
  7. moray1980

    protein skimmer?

  8. moray1980

    protein skimmer?

    well i have this newvisi-jet-ps protien skimmer i just set it up like 2 months ago. how can u tell if it is working or not?i have it submerged the instructions were not the best for the fact that this is the first skimmer i have ever set up.i do not evan know if it is working.any one ever used this
  9. moray1980

    chestnut/viper moray ?'s

    well her is the thing. i had to use my 55 gal to hold my chestnut eel,banded moray and my little h.tusk banded is twice as long as the chestnut and twice the girth.they never messed with one another i guess cause i have plenty of rock work.i just felt it necessary to add a divider for...
  10. moray1980

    best trigger fish contest

    just thought i would post
  11. moray1980

    chestnut/viper moray ?'s

    well i have had what i think is a chestnut moray now for almost a month.when i got him he was sold to me as a viper eel.well after doing more reserch i found out that the viper eel and the chestnut look almost the same when ? is how big do these eels get? i have read that the viper gets...
  12. moray1980

    good eels for a 90g

    through my costly experiance,a green wolf,though not truley a eel is an awsome addition to a agressive tank but is vey wolf was only about 6-8 inch and he tore up every thing i put in the aquarium,including a v.lion.marron clown,n.trigger and evan a yellow head moray.though the yellow...
  13. moray1980

    new here!

    well i just got a nice viper moray about a week ago. he is awsome.tiny but still cool.i had to start him off with a couple of feeder now he took some small bits of squid last night.well i also have a fuzzy dwarf lion,red coris wrasse,lg cinn clown,lg snowflake.and a false rockfish.i...