chestnut/viper moray ?'s


New Member
well i have had what i think is a chestnut moray now for almost a month.when i got him he was sold to me as a viper eel.well after doing more reserch i found out that the viper eel and the chestnut look almost the same when ? is how big do these eels get? i have read that the viper gets 2 ft some care sheets say 5ft?the chestnut only gets 10-12 inches?if so what are the min size aquariums they can be housed in?scence the chestnut stays so small could he be housed in a 10gal by himself?


Active Member
Got any pics? I know chestnuts are rather hard to find and vipers a little easier. My boyfriend really wanted one but I only found one place online that carried them and they were never in stock. They are a cool looking eel.


Originally Posted by moray1980
well i have had what i think is a chestnut moray now for almost a month.when i got him he was sold to me as a viper eel.well after doing more reserch i found out that the viper eel and the chestnut look almost the same when ? is how big do these eels get? i have read that the viper gets 2 ft some care sheets say 5ft?the chestnut only gets 10-12 inches?if so what are the min size aquariums they can be housed in?scence the chestnut stays so small could he be housed in a 10gal by himself?

There really is not any eel the can do well in a 10 gallon. And the other fact is they get bigger than you think and are the meanest eel I have ever seen. I got my Undulated eel from a guy that had a viper and the one I have now in a 55 and the viper had almost killed the eel I have now in a 125 alone. I hope you do not plan on putting any thing else in your tank.


New Member
well her is the thing. i had to use my 55 gal to hold my chestnut eel,banded moray and my little h.tusk banded is twice as long as the chestnut and twice the girth.they never messed with one another i guess cause i have plenty of rock work.i just felt it necessary to add a divider for a precaution.i have housed eels together and ended up loosing both.well a total of 3 any way.i wanna use my 55 for my banded and h.tusk,i am using my 44corner for my snowflake,red coris wrass,cinnomon.i could probably just move my chestnut to a 30galhex i have in the garauge.