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  1. rmf

    Algae Question

    I originally put 20 blue hermits and 15 scarlet hermits in the tank and they died. About 1 1/2 months ago I put the same amount in and they lasted a couple of weeks. My tank is 6 months old, I didn't understand. I am ordereing another cleanup crew. I acclimated them as I have done for my...
  2. rmf

    Algae Question

    Thanks for the replys. I really appreciate it. Bob
  3. rmf

    Algae Question

    I have a reef tank for 6 months and I am starting to see green algae on a rock and a couple of green bubbles also. I just added a new lighting fixture which now is 192 watts (was 110). My numbers are: Alk 2.8 PH 8.4 Calc 550 (a little high) Ammon 0 Nitrite 0 Nitrate 5 Temp 78-80 degrees I have...
  4. rmf

    Skimmer in 10 gal?

    I have a 10 gal that I would like to setup as a hospital or quarantine tank. I plan to have crushed coral on the bottom and a wet/dry hang on filter. I would also like to put a piece or 2 of live rock in it. Maybe keep a small fish or 2 in the tank. Do I need a protein skimmer? Thanks for the...
  5. rmf

    New Lighting Question

    Thanks for the reply Missy. I really appreciate all the comments and help on this board.
  6. rmf

    New Lighting Question

    I have a 40 gal reef tank and just received 2 x 96 w PC lighting. One bulb is 6700k daylight and the other is blue. Do you recommend the blue in the front? I keep my lights on 10 hr a day, would one go on before the other and stay on longer? I would appreciate any opinions. Thanks
  7. rmf

    Lighting Question

    I have a 40 gal reef tank with a 36" 110w fixture. I want to add more light, but I see that anything with 4 bulbs have a 12" depth for the fixture. Due to the skimmer on the back, I only have 10" max. The only light I see is PC 2x96. Does anyone have any other suggestions? What is the best...