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  1. jfohn

    black bubbles in tank

    thanks for your help, I will get to work to remove it
  2. jfohn

    black bubbles in tank

    I have just noticed black bubbles in my tank that are on some rocks, I reached in to try and pop them, but they are kind of hard. Are these bad for my tank, what are they? Thanks
  3. jfohn

    deep sea yellow gorgonian Q

    Thanks for your help, How did you know when yours died mine looks like on some limbs it is turning more orange than the yellow color. Thanks again
  4. jfohn

    deep sea yellow gorgonian Q

    I am not sure if my new gorgonian is doing very well, I have only seen it feeding with the polyps once in the past 3 days, Is this normal. Any information on gorgonians would be great on how to keep them alive, Thanks
  5. jfohn

    Button polyps and Star fish Q

    Thanks for the help I guess I will have to see if a fish store will take him. I have had him for like 3 yrs it will be hard to let him go. Thanks
  6. jfohn

    Button polyps and Star fish Q

    I just got some Button polyps and am thinking of getting some more coral. I have had a Chocolate Chip starfish for a while. Well the Starfish eat or bother the Coral?
  7. jfohn

    What eats green long hair algae??

    I need to find a fish that will trim down my green long hair algae in my tank. I have heard that tangs will do this what other fish like to eat the stuff? Thanks for your help
  8. jfohn

    just got a valentini puffer Question

    thanks for the help
  9. jfohn

    just got a valentini puffer Question

    I just recieved a small valentini puffer. Currently my tank has some damsels, cleaner crabs and snails, and a star fish. Will the puffer kill my crabs and snails?
  10. jfohn

    55 Gallon Lighting Question

    I have a 55 gallon saltwater aquarium with the standard fluorescent bulbs (eclipse Natural Daylight) What would be the best replacement for a tank with some soft corals, fish, invertebrates? The bulb size is 18"? Thanks for the help
  11. jfohn


    I was wondering if you are able to have different types of gobies in the same tank. Right now I have a convict (engineer) Goby and would like to add another Goby like a firefish or something. Would they get along? help, Thanks