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  1. dougdakesian


    can u guys name some hearty fish, and when can i add a tang or coral? thanks
  2. dougdakesian

    after cycle

    after i drop the grocery shrimp onto my LS, people say it should take about a month or so with my 29g tank. after that, do i need to add a couple damsels (hearty fish), or can i add a tang and maybe a coral ater the cycle.
  3. dougdakesian

    LS and LR

    How many pounds of LS would you recommend for a 29g tank. also, would a 29g tank be too small for LR? Is it hard for a beginner to start a ank with LR?
  4. dougdakesian

    after shrimp

    after the cycle with the shrimp has started, can i add a purple tang or a hippo tang?
  5. dougdakesian

    LR vs. grocery shrimp vs. damsels

    my title seems to tell it all. I need all the feedback i can get. also, which one would work better with live sand?
  6. dougdakesian

    tank claning...

    do u have to clean your tank at all with live sand, if so how do u do it?
  7. dougdakesian

    live sand

    how much does live sand cost and where can i get it?
  8. dougdakesian


    Mr. Tang said that he would prefer Ir instead of grocery shrimp to start the cycle. First, what is Ir. Second, i need your opinions whether you belive you would think that Ir or shrimp would work better.
  9. dougdakesian


    how long should i leave the shrimp in the tank, if i get 2 - 2 1/2 pieces of grocery shrimp? Is grocery shrimp all the same size?
  10. dougdakesian

    more substrate

    what is live sand? is it the same as regular sand? will it add more salt than needed in the tank?
  11. dougdakesian

    bacteria cycle...shrimp

    Devante said to buy some dead grocery shrimp instead of buying the little fish from a pet store. Where do I get them (probably grocery store, duh), how much does this cost, how many would i need for a 29g tank, and does this work? thank you.
  12. dougdakesian

    new fish

    I am suppose to get two smaller fish and keep adding until i get about 4 small fish (to start the bacteria cycle). If the rule of thumb is 5g for every one inch of fish, does that mean i can only get one larger fish if i have a 29g tank. thank you.
  13. dougdakesian

    how many fish?

    How many salt water fish would be adequate with a 29 gallon tank? How do you determine this?