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  1. beardo

    Starting a new reef....

    Thanks again for the input, it is greatly appreciated. What would be the best thing to do for lighting? The name of those lights/fixtures that are specifically built for reef tanks escapes me (the ones with the brackets that holds the fixture above the tank).....I had one of those on my...
  2. beardo

    Starting a new reef....

    Awesome....thanks a ton for the info. :)
  3. beardo

    Starting a new reef....

    I've decided to switch my 29 gallon fish only tank over into a reef tank......I had a 10 gallon reef tank before and had zero problems with it but I want to make sure I do things right this time since a larger tank obviously means a higher investment. First off, what would be the best method of...
  4. beardo

    Stocking a 90 gallon....

    I'm going to be getting a 90 gallon in the near future and I was wanting some input as to what I should put in there...its going to be a fish only tank, no corals. Here are some fish that especially interest me: -Harlequin Tusk -Yellow Rabbitfish -Flame Angelfish -Radiata Lionfish
  5. beardo

    water changes?

    Gotcha....makes perfect sense to me lol. I topped off my old reef tank at least every other day....the water evaporated pretty quickly, but it seems my current 29 loses water much slower.
  6. beardo

    water changes?

    Thanks for the input, that was quick! :) I was also told that adding salt to new water was not needed, as the salt you first put in the tank stays salinity levels were always perfect or close to it. Right now I have a 29 gallon aggressive community tank with a couple Damsels, a...
  7. beardo

    Got some new goodies yeah

    That is a freakin awesome tank!! Very nice job. :D
  8. beardo

    water changes?

    I'm fairly new to keeping saltwater and I have been told many different things by many different people concerning the subject of water changes....I kept a small reef tank last year with no problems whatsoever, and I did not do a single water change, I just added new water as needed. I am now...