Search results

  1. jcald

    Powder blue tang

    I came home today and found my fire shrimp laying on his side dead and I believe my powder blue tang is the culprit. Last night my wife was telling that the tang was attacking the fire shrimp and I assumed the tang was getting a cleaning from the shrimp. Then to my dismay the shrimp is dead. Has...
  2. jcald

    too much algae growth (green water syndrome)

    You can get ro/di filter system a lot cheaper than you think if you shop around on a certian auction site (I don't think I cann mention the name on this site.) I've been shopping around for a water system myself and found a 6stage system ro/di for under $100.
  3. jcald

    real ocean wter

    Anyone ever use Real Ocean Water from Catalina Water co? Just looking for some pros and cons. Does it have pods in it? Just saw it for the first time at my lfs. Just curious I guess.:thinking:
  4. jcald

    lion question

    The lion fish probably isnt eating enough I had one for 3yrs and he loved frozen silversides. those will fatten him up.
  5. jcald

    Changing cc to sand

    Thanks everyone for your input, it is much appreciated. For you your own info I am doing a little at a time. For i dont want to cuase a cycle in my tank becuase I ve had it up and running for 4 yrs now. :happy: I will update on how I make out. so far so good I did a quater of the cc and...
  6. jcald

    Changing cc to sand

    Thomas thanks for the info.:) Should I go with live sand? If yes should I rinse the sand or just dump it in the tank.
  7. jcald

    Changing cc to sand

    I have a 90 gal tank thats been established for 4 yrs. It has cc in it now and I want to change over to sand. So my question is how much of the cc should i take out at once? :thinking:
  8. jcald

    Ph Test

    Thanks NM Reef I never thought to look at Exp dates. I've had both test kits for a while so maybe I should get a new one. And thanks for the welcome sign.
  9. jcald

    Ph Test

    I've noticed that my ph reading with the wardley test kit reads 8.2 but the aquarium pharmaceuticals test kit reads 8.0. How should I determine which reading is right? My tank has been established for about 4 years now and I just started adding new fish today after my lion fish had recently...