Changing cc to sand


New Member
I have a 90 gal tank thats been established for 4 yrs. It has cc in it now and I want to change over to sand. So my question is how much of the cc should i take out at once? :thinking:


Take some out with every water change, or all at once. Just be carefull if you have rockwork that is being supported by the crushed coral.
If it is really dirty then have a water change ready to help clean up the water and lessen any spikes that may occur.


New Member
Thomas thanks for the info.:) Should I go with live sand? If yes should I rinse the sand or just dump it in the tank.


I would be leary of changing out all the CC at once. Removing that much biologic filtration at once could start a cycle and put a hurt'n on your tank and wallet.
But thats just the thoughts of a newb and maybe someone can step up and put me in check if needed.


Active Member
I just did a change out, but my tank was only 9 months old, i didnt remove any fish, i just slowly scooped out the CC one day and replaced it with sand the next. I either got lucky or something, cause i didnt loose a single critter! Hope this helps Todd


Active Member
I would not take it all out at once. Take a little bit out each week until it is eventually all out. And if you really want to make sure you do not cause a mini-cycle, add a little bit of Cycle into the tank each water change.


I just resently canged from cc ls. I Took it all at once, though i left a around 10 # in a messed bag and it is working out. Fingers crossed.


New Member
Thanks everyone for your input, it is much appreciated. For you your own info I am doing a little at a time. For i dont want to cuase a cycle in my tank becuase I ve had it up and running for 4 yrs now. :happy: I will update on how I make out. so far so good I did a quater of the cc and everything is going well.