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  1. ricor_craz

    where to buy dendro

    anyone here know a good vendor selling dendros or anyone here selling one thanks
  2. ricor_craz

    blue LEDs for refuge

    have anyone tried using blue or actinic lights in refuge to grow cheato
  3. ricor_craz

    Is this BTA OK?

    pale or bleach anemones usually means, it's very sick or dying when you got it. i would suggest you take it out and nurse it before you put it back in your tank. if it dies in your tank, it's not gonna be good for your tank. try to manually feed him some cyclop-eeze or shrimps, see if it takes...
  4. ricor_craz

    IS this what a frogspawn looks like when its going to split?

    wait until the lights are off and it shrunk back. check to see, how much mouth?
  5. ricor_craz

    Bubble Tip Anemone

    wow. i heard that bta could only live a couple of years in captivity. that is why i am reluctant to buy one. thanks
  6. ricor_craz

    Bubble Tip Anemone

    what color and how long you have it in your tank?
  7. ricor_craz

    Coral suggestions

    there is not much you can have with 3.4w/gal. try sun coral
  8. ricor_craz

    Ahhhh!!! Algea!!!!!

    how long is your setup? if it is recent, 6 months or less then it will slowly go away soon. cut the lights down to 6 hours, what kind of skimmer do you have, what is the ratio of water flow, should be around at least 8x, do 15% water change
  9. ricor_craz

    LED light project

    WOW, it's great but pricy, better off with DIY LEDs. i had asked the vendor from HK, they says that white LEDs are only 3500K - 6500K, don't know how they got up to 20,000K. if LEDs works it could replace all reef lightings as they are cheaper and does not produce much heat. the best LEDs are...
  10. ricor_craz

    LED light project

    200 LEDs would be around 50w. from my inital test of 30 LEDs ~7.5w, it seems it's compariable to regular 9w pc bulb. summer is around the corner, would like to reduce the heat
  11. ricor_craz

    LED light project

    Currently I have 257w (10K 96w, Act03 96w-purple, Act03 65w-blue) of pc light on my 55gal. I am thinking of getting 200 10mm 470nm blue LEDs with 50K mcd to replace the Act03 96w bulb. After the lights turn off, I did some testing last night with only 30 LEDs, my green bubble and green...
  12. ricor_craz

    What does a frogspawn look link when splitting?

    when they split, it would form another mouth and slowly it'll separate
  13. ricor_craz

    bubble trouble

    yes, once in a while a feed it with small chunks of grocery shrimp and next day it poos a lot
  14. ricor_craz

    bubble trouble

    I had my green bubble for a few months now. I am running a total of 257w pc (10K 96w, Act03 96w, Act03 65w) on my 55 gal. The mouth of the bubble is always out, what can I do to make the mouth not to expose as much