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  1. topher

    feather duster

  2. topher

    Royal Gramma

    will do im gonna do a fire fish with it i already got the fire fish (purple) and next week i will get the royal gramma
  3. topher

    feather duster

    well i bought a feather duster and not sure on how it works do i bury it in the sand drop it in and hope it will do it by its self just dont know :notsure:
  4. topher

    Royal Gramma

    ok i think i want my first fish to be a Royal Gramma i have a 12gl jbj nano the tank has been up for a month ph=8.2 ammonia=0 nitrite=0 nitrate=5.0 sal-1.023 inverts=3 turbo,3 bumble bee snails, coral banded shrimp, small brittle star (hicther), 2 blue leg hermits, corals= gsp, frog spaun...
  5. topher

    Royal Gramma?

    ok i think i want my first fish to be a Royal Gramma i have a 12gl jbj nano the tank has been up for a month ph=8.2 ammonia=0 nitrite=0 nitrate=5.0 sal-1.023 inverts=3 turbo,3 bumble bee snails, coral banded shrimp, small brittle star (hicther), 2 blue leg hermits, corals= gsp, frog spaun...
  6. topher

    Id Plz

  7. topher

    Pics of The New England Aquarium

    Originally Posted by cjason3041 that's what i'm saying ... i have a 29 with penguin written all over it i think it would be ok lol just make sure you have a hood it might be a jumper :scared:
  8. topher

    Pics of The New England Aquarium

    Originally Posted by cjason3041 what size tank do i need for a penguin? thats a great ? think one will fit inmy nano?????
  9. topher

    Pics of The New England Aquarium

    Originally Posted by b0bby1 were is the aquarium, boston? yes it is real easy to find
  10. topher

    Id Plz

    it looks like a clam but it acts like a snail any ideas?? and is a bad ?sorry about the pics not the best
  11. topher

    Pics of The New England Aquarium

    Originally Posted by renogaw don't know how long ago you went sharkboy, but i was there last october and the imax next to it had the reef 3d thing going. i didn't get a chance to see it, and i regret it. would suggest looking into it if you go. i did this too all i have to say is "wow!!!!!!!"
  12. topher

    Pics of The New England Aquarium

    im sorry i wont grow up
  13. topher

    Pics of The New England Aquarium

    im sorry i had too