Search results

  1. karl2jack

    What are phosphates?

    Hi guys - Please Help! We have a 48 gal tank with crushed coral, fish only, 2 damsals, tomato clown,and a blowfish from our bay. Our water levels have always tested perfect and we are good at water changes, 10% every 2-3 weeks. However, I seem to have a bad alge problem, red and green, seems...
  2. karl2jack

    Do fish ever make noises?

    I don't think thats a bad question, I have a clown fish that makes a squeeking sound when he is having an argument with my striped damsel! It almost sounds like a squirrel. I would like to know if anyone else has heard noises...
  3. karl2jack

    How do I clean up red and green algae?

    We have a 48 gal FO tank with CC about 1 year old. We do a 20% water change once a month and our fish look great. Our levels of ammonia, nit and nitrie are 0 and salinity is 1.023. However, every week I am in the tank scrubbing off the green algae from the inside of the glass. Should I...
  4. karl2jack

    What other fish can I add?

    We have a 9 month old 48 gal tank, fish only, crushed coral substrate. We still have the 2 damsels(about 2" each) we cycled the tank with as well as a northern puffer (about 3")we caught at the beach. My lfs said to get rid of these fish if I wanted to add anything else. Is he right or just...
  5. karl2jack

    Best conditions for live rock?

    I want to thank you guys for recommending the water polisher! Wow within 24 hours I went from not being able to see 1.5 feet to crystal clear! At this point we don't have any type of clean up crew but we are looking. I am thinking of adding live rock. What are the pitfalls? Thanks again!
  6. karl2jack

    Why is my water cloudy?

    Thanks for answering guys. I do not have a protein skimmer and have never used my polisher. My base is crushed coral and I change my filter media once a month when I do regular water changes. As far as salinity, is 1.020 that different from 1.021? When I say cloudy, think of milky, almost the...
  7. karl2jack

    Why is my water cloudy?

    Hi everyone, please help. I have a water problem. We have a 48 gal tank, FO, charcol filter, Magnum 350 pump, bio filter. The tank is 9 mos old. Since we have had this tank, our Ph and salinity have been the only levels to change. Today we stand at 8.2 ph, ammonia, nirite and nitrate are 0...
  8. karl2jack

    Cloudy water

    My tank is 48 gal, fish only, my base is 100 crushed coral,,. I have 2 striped damsels, 2 blowfish, 1 red legged hermit. I have a charcol fileter and Magnum 350 pump. My tank is 9 mos old, my Ph is 8.0, salinity is 25 ppt, I have never had any nitrites or nitrates register on my tests, same...
  9. karl2jack

    Cloudy water

    Hi guys - I was wondering how to get rid of an alge bloom. I have pulled out my "fake" plants hoping to give the alge a place to grow. It only takes 2-3 days and the inside of the tank begins to get "dirty" again. Even after a water change, it still looks cloudy. My temp is about 77. I...
  10. karl2jack

    Rusty color "pond scum"

    Hi Guys -- I'm so proud, we did our first water change and no one got hurt! Our local store suggested we switch from the charcol to another product, chem pure I think. After this first water change and change in filter we seem to get this rusty scum that floats on top of the water. The fish...