Cloudy water


New Member
Hi guys - I was wondering how to get rid of an alge bloom. I have pulled out my "fake" plants hoping to give the alge a place to grow. It only takes 2-3 days and the inside of the tank begins to get "dirty" again. Even after a water change, it still looks cloudy. My temp is about 77. I changed my water and charcol only twice in the last fourteen weeks. I should do this once a month right? Now how do I correct this?
Thanks :confused:
First how big is your tank? What type of filteration do you have? Yes, you should be doing water changes more freqent. What are your water readings? Give more info and someone would help you soon.


Active Member
please, give us more info
what type of tank, fo fowlr, or reef
size of tank
substrate and rock (type and amounts)
water readings
# and type of fish
filtration and circulation
age of tank and did it cycle completely
we need all of this to try and help you


New Member
My tank is 48 gal, fish only, my base is 100
crushed coral,,. I have 2 striped damsels, 2 blowfish, 1 red legged hermit. I have a charcol fileter and Magnum 350 pump. My tank is 9 mos old, my Ph is 8.0, salinity is 25 ppt, I have never had any nitrites or nitrates register on my tests, same for ammonia. Twice between 5 and 6 mos old was the only time I had neglegible ammonina. I thought that was because we didn't have that many fish. This is my first tank and I want to do the right thing. Thanks again for your help.