Search results

  1. llama

    Supermarket clams in a tank

    I read somewhere that you could put clams sold in a supermarket (for food) in your tank and that they would help reduce nitrate levels. Is this a true claim or just an old wives tale? :notsure:
  2. llama

    Lighting Problem

    I have a 90 gal. tank that is 48 in. across. It came with a canopy that rests on top and looks sharp. The only problem is, there is a lip in the canopy that allows it to rest on the top of the tanke and it cuts the inside legnth to about 46in. I am desperately trying to come up with a...
  3. llama

    Wet/dry question

    Didn't mean to ruffle feathers with the mention of another website. My email is Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  4. llama

    Wet/dry question

    Are there any websites that have good information/diagrams on installing a wet/dry filter? I have a brand new 90gal with built in overflow box. I purchased a proclear 150 w/ skimmer off of ---- that just arrived today. It came with no instructions/manual/diagrams, so I'm stuck here looking...
  5. llama

    Wet/Dry Question

    Are there any websites that have good information/diagrams on installing a wet/dry filter? I have a brand new 90gal with built in overflow box. I purchased a proclear 150 w/ skimmer off of ---- that just arrived today. It came with no instructions/manual/diagrams, so I'm stuck here looking...
  6. llama

    heater in the sump

    I am putting together a 90 gal setup with a wet/dry filter for the first time. (I'm graduating from canister filters!) I heard that you could place a submersable heater in the sump of the filter to heat the entire tank. If I choose to do this, does the heater still need to wattage for the 90 gal...
  7. llama

    Heater in the sump

    I am putting together a 90 gal setup with a wet/dry filter for the first time. (I'm graduating from canister filters!) I heard that you could place a submersable heater in the sump of the filter to heat the entire tank. If I choose to do this, does the heater still need to wattage for the 90...
  8. llama

    Wet/dry filter

    I've had a 50gal sw tank for about 2yrs now running off of a fluval 404 filter. I recently purchased a 93gal tank with built in overflow and want to setup a wet/dry filtration system on it. The only problem is I have no clue what I'm doing and live in the middle of nowhere so it is hard for me...
  9. llama

    Feeding a wrasse

    I have a 4" lunar wrasse who doesnt seem to be eating. I've tried both standard and frozen options (ie squid, shrimp etc.) Because of the aggresive nature of this fish, I of coarse do not have any invetabrates in the tank. I have heard stories of these fish ripping thru crabs and shrimp like...
  10. llama

    Feeding a wrasse

    I have a 4" lunar wrasse who doesnt seem to be eating. I've tried both standard and frozen options (ie squid, shrimp etc.) Because of the aggresive nature of this fish, I of coarse do not have any invetabrates in the tank. I have heard stories of these fish ripping thru crabs and shrimp like...
  11. llama

    Red Hair Algae

    No. Phosphates can cause this algae? I assume I can pickup a test kit and some sort of treatment at a pet store. But, why would it not be there and then suddenly appear?
  12. llama

    Red Hair Algae

    Not really, and my levels are all pretty stable. Ive been using a different type of water drops for purification when I do my water changes. I am thinking of going back to the brand I used before.
  13. llama

    Red Hair Algae

    I've had a 50 gal tank up and running for about 9 months. Out of the blue this month, I've had and investation of red hair algae. I have no idea where it is coming from. I have limited the light which has slowed but not stopped this problem. Is there anything I can do? It is an aggrerssive tank...
  14. llama

    Red Hair Algae

    I've had a 50 gal tank up and running for about 9 months. Out of the blue this month, I've had and investation of red hair algae. I have no idea where it is coming from. I have limited the light which has slowed but not stopped this problem. Is there anything I can do? It is an aggrerssive...
  15. llama

    puffer acclimation question

    I am thinking of adding a hawaiian blue puffer to my 55g setup. I would like to follow the drip method to acclimate him, but then how doI add him to the tank afterwards. I heard you shouldnt remove them from water (in case they puff with air). I dont want to add any of the water that it was...