Red Hair Algae


New Member
I've had a 50 gal tank up and running for about 9 months. Out of the blue this month, I've had and investation of red hair algae. I have no idea where it is coming from. I have limited the light which has slowed but not stopped this problem. Is there anything I can do? It is an aggrerssive tank (2" picasso & 4" lunar wrasse) so I cant really have a "cleanup crew". Would a starfish (Choc chip) help with this problem? Would a starfish survive my current inhabitants? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!


well, algae feeds off of nitrates and poshpates, so you should test those before anything. Did you add anything, or do anything different to the tank at all? New food? more food?


New Member
Not really, and my levels are all pretty stable. Ive been using a different type of water drops for purification when I do my water changes. I am thinking of going back to the brand I used before.


you're using tap water? That's probably the reason. You get all sorts of dissolved minerals in tap water, a major one being phosphate. Do you have a phosphate test kit?


New Member
No. Phosphates can cause this algae? I assume I can pickup a test kit and some sort of treatment at a pet store. But, why would it not be there and then suddenly appear?


Yes. Phosphates are the root of all evil!!! lol. You should be able to pick up a test kit at your lfs, as well as something called a phosphate sponge. It looks a lot like activated carbon, but it's white. You add it to the filter just like activated carbon, but you can only leave it in the tank for about 8 hours... after that, it'll start breaking down and begin releasing more phosphates into your system.