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  1. mr. ray

    Live Sand depth

    i was thinking about live sand. but i was going to put all live sand. Should I mix live sand with "dead" sand i don't see problem using only live sand but then agian i don't know any thing
  2. mr. ray

    I'm New

    space is not a problem. Its a double wide (gosh i sound like white trash) and its three bedrooms and its only me an my wife and our cats and dog. we have tons of room.
  3. mr. ray

    Weight and Floor Issues

    I live in a mobile home. I asked a guy who sells home if my home would support a tank. he said that the floors will hold waterbeds so there should be no problem.
  4. mr. ray

    advice on cycling and what it is???

    so you just drop in a dead shrimp? Any kind?
  5. mr. ray

    I'm New

    Well we are going to get a 55gal tank. Unless we can get a 100gal form somewhere that not so high. I wanna set it up and then let it run for about a month before I put fish in it. I am reading "The Saltwater Aquqrium Handbook" by George Blasiola I was thinking about getting live sand. BUt...
  6. mr. ray

    I'm New

    Hello I am new. I have thought about getting in to saltwater tanks for a few years. My Wife is od board with this idea. I bought a book to read about this topic. I will be useing you guys to help me. Have Fun edit: Forgot something Is there a link to this fourm with out having the tool bar...