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  1. rylox

    Pics of LR from SWF

    I recieve a batch of lr from swf this week. great stuff, lots of holes and hollow spots. very light weight too, so you get your $$ worth. mine came with a snail and 2 emerald crab. snail is doing fine atm, but crabs were DOA lots and lots of growth on my peices. great color. i received one...
  2. rylox

    newb questions

    bump :jumping: busy boards hehe
  3. rylox

    newb questions

    hey thanks guys, shortened my list a bit but also saved $$ :happy: so to start with i should put in only snails ? and you said add as i need. how many should i start with ? and when can i add the crab and shrimp you recommend ? also would a decorator crab be any value to the tank at this time ...
  4. rylox

    newb questions

    greets guys, Ive started my first Sw tank. 55gal with approx 30 lbs of LR and 40 lbs of LS. one power head and a magnum 350 canister filter. im hoping this set up with get me by for awhile. my next big investment im thinking of is a chiller. at the moment my tank is 8 days old and water temp...