Pics of LR from SWF


Stapler wanted to see some pics of my new LR I got from here. Day two and it still doesn't smell too bad! :) The lighting was a little strange when I took these so the colors really are a little better then they appear.


Yep, lots! :yes: Red and Green, I know its hard to see in the pic, but I'm confident that once I get it into my tank and under some good lights the rock will really 'pop'! :joy:


Those look like some nice Pieces of Lr..what kind is it and how many lbs did you purchase?:notsure: :happyfish


It's Fiji and I got the 20-25 lb. Good price at $99.00 and free shipping. :yes:
I'm really happy with it, wish everyone could have seen what my first batch from LFS looked like! I will never do that again! :)


Thanks for posting those pics Jess! The LR looks really good, might need to purchase some from here.

nm reef

Active Member
I recently added a 45-50 lb box from SWF myself...its about the same as the pics posted here...came in great condition with a clean smell. Its been cycling in a newly established display and is starting to develop a very nice coraline cover with very little die off. Well worth the price and free shipping.


:yes: NM reef said it all. When it came it didn't smell bad at all, today there is a slight odor, but you wouldn't know it unless you stuck your head in the container. :D I can't wait to get it into my tank with my other rock and see it all come together.


Active Member

Originally posted by Jess74
It's Fiji and I got the 20-25 lb. Good price at $99.00 and free shipping. :yes:
I'm really happy with it, wish everyone could have seen what my first batch from LFS looked like! I will never do that again! :)

Yea SW is very good about their LR... Fiji is great... See any hijackers yet?


Didn't see anything yet. After reading some of the posts on this board about the things they have found in their LR, I'm a little scared. :eek:
I'll probably get it in my tank and then start hearing those night noises that are talked about, I have enough trouble catching fish, I don't really want to attempt a mantis! :D


Active Member

Originally posted by Jess74
Didn't see anything yet. After reading some of the posts on this board about the things they have found in their LR, I'm a little scared. :eek:
I'll probably get it in my tank and then start hearing those night noises that are talked about, I have enough trouble catching fish, I don't really want to attempt a mantis! :D

LOL.. I found a mantis last night with the flashlight.. IN the last few months hes been in there he has gotten rather fat... I just leave it all alone.. The tapping is kinda cool when im on the computer playing a creepy game and i hear this --tap-- --tap--



Ok, so everyone who finds a mantis send it to Razor so he can have more sound effects with his games. :D


New Member
I recieve a batch of lr from swf this week. great stuff, lots of holes and hollow spots. very light weight too, so you get your $$ worth. mine came with a snail and 2 emerald crab. snail is doing fine atm, but crabs were DOA
lots and lots of growth on my peices. great color. i received one peice that messures approx. 12L x 8W x 12H and about 10 peices approx. 5x5x5 along with some small peices. Id recommend this stuff to everyone. for $105.00 it trippled the amount of my LR and looks great. best wishes Dave.