Search results

  1. ciachef

    Fire/Red Saddleback Clown?

    I tried to give you an email as well Ray but I got the same message you got when you tried to mail me. I think I fixed my options now so that I can get messages though. Thanks for all your help. Chris
  2. ciachef

    Fire/Red Saddleback Clown?

    Ray, could you email me that link because it was edited out. Thanks for your help.
  3. ciachef

    Fire/Red Saddleback Clown?

    Ok, I have been searching for a fire clown for a while now and cant find anyone selling them. I know they are for sale here at but they are out of stock and do not know when more will be coming in. I assume their clowns come from ORA as do most other aquacultured clowns and it seems...
  4. ciachef

    Ok ordered my cpr now a question

    Yep, the aqualifter runs 24/7.
  5. ciachef

    Ok ordered my cpr now a question

    I have a cs150 with the aqualifter pump. Its been working great for me although it can be a bit noisy at times. All you have to do is hook the intake of the pump to the [hr] on the overflow and run a second piece of airline off the discharge side of the pump. The pump will make sure no air...
  6. ciachef

    My first addition to the nano-reef

    Toddpolish, what fish store in Boston are you talking about? I live in downtown Boston and was just curious. I am relatively new to the board and am trying to figure out where the best lfs are. Thanks, Chris
  7. ciachef

    best overall overflow

    Just bought a cpr with the aqualifter pump. Working great for me with very little noise. Although a bit pricey I think they are worth it in the long run.
  8. ciachef

    Best Refugium Macro

    Thanks beaslbob, I am going to go with spaghetti for the fuge and perhaps another type of caulpera.
  9. ciachef

    Best Refugium Macro

    I recently added a refugium to my system and remember seeing a discussion about what type of macro everyone uses. I remember spaghetti getting the most votes but cant remember what else was the best because of the algae going sexual every month. Thanks for the help.
  10. ciachef

    CPR CS100 Overflow

    No problems for me yet randy, I was just wondering if anyone had any problems with the unit in general.
  11. ciachef

    CPR CS100 Overflow

    Is anyone using this overflow? I just purchased one with the aqualifter pump and wanted to know if anyone was having problems with the overflow or if everything is working out good for them. Thanks.
  12. ciachef

    Refugium Questions

    Hi everyone, I am new to the board and this is my first post. I have a 45 gallon tank that has been up and running for a couple months now. As of now I only have a false perc and purple pseudo. I want to add a refugium before I finish stocking the tank. I would imagine that an undertank...