Ok ordered my cpr now a question


Active Member
I ordered a cs150 and with it I got a aqualifter pump for the siphon.
Is that all I will need or will I still have to hook up a ph.?
Can anyone thoroughly explain this one to me?
I diyed some moonlights about 4 days ago and i have seen major changes in polyp extension while they are on, alot of activity etc.
Is that the whole point in moonlights? Is this a good thing?
The polyps are closed, but really skicking out...shrooms, zoos, rics, etc.


Active Member
I'm not familiar with the aqualifter, but the CPRs require a powerhead to pull out any air that may buildup in the syphon. You'll need to use regular air line tubing. Run the air line from the

on the overflow to the pump. If you can hook up the airline to the aqualifter, and the aqualifter will suck air through that airline, you should be fine.


New Member
I have a cs150 with the aqualifter pump. Its been working great for me although it can be a bit noisy at times. All you have to do is hook the intake of the pump to the

on the overflow and run a second piece of airline off the discharge side of the pump. The pump will make sure no air builds up in the overflow. No need for a powerhead, the aqualifter takes its place.


Active Member
Yeah nick it looks like they are stretching out to reach something?
Yeah i thought the aqualifter is to take the place of the powerhead.
Ciachef you do leave it hooked up all the time right?
Thanks everyone