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  1. creo568

    anemone help

    hello all i just added an anemone to my tank 4 days ago.gave my hippo tang ich.Now theres a big orange ball looks like yarn is comeing out of where its mouth should be.
  2. creo568

    blue hippo tang has white spots

    just got home and no white spots does that mean it's not ich?Should i take it out anyway?if it is ich how do i treat it?i have a 55 gal. tank 55lb. of liverock and live reef sand.
  3. creo568

    blue hippo tang has white spots

    Hello all i'm new to the saltwater fish game. i just added an anemone to my tank and i went out.i came home to my blue hippo with what looked like little white heads all over its body. it was hideing on me this morning so i didn't see if they were still on it.What could these little white bumps...