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  1. rockyanvil


    I have under gravel filter(UGF) with CC substrate. I wanted to remove UGF it. My tank is 1 month old. there is trigger fish in my tank. How to remove this UGF? Should I remove the water as well? Im afraid the ammonia,Nitrite,nitrate will affect my tank.
  2. rockyanvil

    Temperature 30c is it ok?

    Can my fish live this kind of temperature?
  3. rockyanvil

    Cycling Process

    My tanks have been setup for 21 days but no sign of Diatoms. Is this normal too?
  4. rockyanvil

    Low pH!

    I put PH buffer when it goes down. It works for me.
  5. rockyanvil

    my 1st fishbreath rapidly

    Thanks for your help. I just want to make clear bout my tank. it really make me confuse. I test the water looks fine for me..I will make another test water later on.
  6. rockyanvil

    my 1st fishbreath rapidly

    I test the water yesterday. the result as the 1st post above. its been for 2 weeks 4 days now. But I just put LR a week ago. I put the fish yersterday this morning he still hiding and breath heavily.
  7. rockyanvil

    my 1st fishbreath rapidly

    Yup I dump it to the tank:D , How about LR? My tank smell stink. How to know if its cure or uncure?
  8. rockyanvil

    my 1st fishbreath rapidly

    Hi, I just bought my 1st fish Damsel yesterday. He breath rapidly. something wrong with my water. I test the water Amonia=0 Nitrate=0.1 Nitrite=0 ph=8.1 4 feet tank, 10kg LR, corel,purple urchin, pistol shrimp, few snails. I just finish my cycling aroung more than 2 weeks now. I use live shrimp...
  9. rockyanvil

    Heater question

    Ok question is, my aquarium temperature is 30c. At the moment i don't have heater. So if i buy heater and set it at 25c does the water become cooler?
  10. rockyanvil


    Hello Im new here..ok I have 55 gallon aquarium, I just setup it on 1st April. Two powerhead going to the sump(underneath) it and return powerhead from the sump. My problem here is when the all power off, the water still flow to the sump which become overflow to my sump tank. Help me with this.